
I saw Snoke’s death as an inversion of how the prequels treated Palpatine. In every movie, Palpatine was in the background, controlling events through a villain-of-the-week (e.g. Maul, Dooku, Grievious) who would get unceremoniously killed. We expected Snoke to be more of the same, and so when he got unceremoniously

Snoke’s death completely worked for me. Coming out of TFA, I felt like we were watching Kylo Ren’s journey to become the ultimate villain of this new series, and that meant that a key point in his development would have to be the elimination of Snoke. Since this was the second act in a three act structure, that meant

To me, personally, TLJ was the first thing that’s actually felt like Star Wars since 1983. Not an extrapolation or an imitation or a tribute or a cash-in, but Star Wars itself.

Counterpoint dude. JJ Abrams basically aped all the story beats of the original and turned in a largely mediocre movie which was only saved by the chemistry of the fresh young leads, Adam Driver as the Anakin Skywalker we deserved, and the surprisingly emotional death of Han Solo.

Thanks, but no thanks. The last TLJ “critique” someone posted here didn’t make it 30 seconds in before bitching about Mary Sues. 

Was Armand Assante in a Basic Instinct spoof, or did I imagine that?

“Topper, I can kill again! You’ve given me a reason to live!”

I mostly agree with the piece, but I detect the author slightly turning his nose up at the “anything-for-a-laugh” movies that came after Airplane. Some of my absolute favourite spoof movies are from that era, and I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with prioritising the yuks over “character” or “theme”.

I think my favorites are the mockumentary about the inner-city wizarding school, the duel between competing voice effects actors, and the one behind the scenes of Family Matters where Urkel’s actor is using mind control on people.

Now playing

No, wait, this is the best place to plug this video:

HUH? What the hell, a movie won an Oscar in the category that the film was strongest in? Why kind of madness is this.

Obligatory shout out to the AV Club forums for The Americans:

Uh, raises hand. I still play the first 3 records on occasion.

Def Leppard was actually one of the best shows I ever saw. Ended up working security for a show where the power grid went down, and all we had was the emergency lights which for some reason included these four purple spotlights aimed at the stage in the center of the coliseum. Instead of calling it a night since

They’re actually doing an arena tour this Summer with Def Leppard!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-

You have my sympathy for your mental condition.

They didn’t do away those plot lines......they decided not answer them by following the standard trope pathways.

As impressive as Mark Hamill’s monologue was, it simply doesn’t make sense that the USS Indianapolis would be part of this universe.

I thought the 3rd Lesson was that Porgs taste best slathered with Sweet Baby Ray’s Original Barbecue Sauce, but Rian Johnson thought that was too much product placement for a Star Wars movie.