
The Prog Report 2016!

Exactly! Everybody is all like "Oh, but they should have been Wookies", and that misses the point! The Emperor was undone by creatures he thought were beneath him.

If by "crippling second half" you mean "raddest third act ever!"
I love the Ewoks. Then, and now.

Is your dad…me? Because that sounds like me.

Call me a masocist, but a hyper-stylized, untra-violent, Michael Bay helmed X-Force movie actually could be entertaining in a 'turn off your brain and wallow' kinda way.

What we need is Heroes from the Arrow-verse interacting with the Supergirl supporting cast. That was the one thing that was missing from this crossover.

You know what the 'merchandising first' argument against artistic integrity missing?
That toymaking IS a form of artistry. It's hard to make toys that last, that people will still find cool looking decades later. George Lucas (and Ralph McQuarrie and the rest of Lucasfilm) should get credit for creating amazing

I liked being able to mull the show over week after week. I think, for me, the problem was HOW MUCH the online discussion was dominated by the theorising. I came to the net to discuss the characters, the acting, the costumes, the action, but there just wasn't that much of that.

I was immensely satisfied with this finale.
I can only imagine how much more satisfied I'd be if I had stayed off the internet and not heard about all these theories. Then I wouldn't be judging the show against how it could have told the story, and instead focused just on how well it did - which is very well indeed.

I particularly loved the post-credit scenes with Snake Tattoo cutting off her arm Terminator-style. So glad Armistice is sticking around!

What annoys me about the ads for this show are not the similarities to Archer, but the similarities to Moonbeam City - which was an actual funny Archer clone with a more unique style.

Dead-on analysis.
But I had no idea about Crying Freeman. I'll have to check that out. Thanks!

I swear the version I saw in the cinema had a scene that's not on the DVD, but you CAN see it in the menu. It's where the hero visits Belucci's place another time, and there's some kind of dream sequence or something where she is posed on a mountaintop like the image on a tarot card. It's hard to describe because I

I'm partial to Texas Chainstore Manager

Yeah, but isn't that kind of the point of this kind of sci-fi? To ask: what if social trends were taken to an extreme?

Gonna take this opportunity to talk about how awesome Brotherhood Of The Wolf is. Because sacre bleu is that movie awesome.

I agree with you for almost all films BUT:
Arrival is part of the sub-genre of 'hard' sci-fi, which aims to speculate about real cutting-edge scientific advancements, and plausibly projecting how they could develop. (As opposed to something like Black Mirror or her, which are 'soft' sci-fi - that is, more about using

As much as I love this album (and it blows me away every time I listen to it), I think the rest of U2's 90s output gets overlooked.

I stopped in my comic shop this afternoon to pick up my standing order, and there was a man at the counter looking through trades of Gotham Academy, Lumberjanes and a few others. Keen to help Gotham Academy flourish, I asked him what he was looking for, and he said he needed presents for his two nieces.

I remember that crack in the wall! It annoyed the hell out of me the first time I played. IIRC, you can re-enter that dungeon once you have bomb and behind it is a heart piece.