
Time Bandits is one of those rare films that I love to pieces but I can nevertheless acknowledge it's got serious flaws.

"Dead? Well that's no excuse for laying off work!"

Yeah, and? Have we lost the capacity to suspend disbelief?

Spread the word Brother!

I'd love to see that film remade with more of a focus on the Starfighters themselves, and less on the doppleganger and his girlfriend back home, which always felt extraneous.

I saw that header image, and for a second i had rage-blindness at the thought of remaking The Rocketeer. But a sequel, yeah that would work.

"Or, more accurately, they rebooted half the line and then when it didn't give them the sales boost they'd hoped for, they activated the escape hatch and un-rebooted."

It is!

"Marvel's not in the business of shaking up its classic characters on a permanent basis" Exactly. That's why I don't believe they would they risk alienating all their readers by ditching all that established history and starting again. Not to mention that never having rebooted is one more way they distinguish

Yeah, that makes sense. Using this opportunity to fine-tune the properties they don't have movie rights to. But the X-books are still money-makers, so I doubt they'll change too much.

Not after less than a year. They still haven't revealed who the new Thor IS yet. Falcon-Cap has had 3 issues. Wolverine just died and they've only just started a weekly comic dealing with that. Why would they launch the new SHIELD book now instead of after this event? This is just classic Marvel over-hyping. Remember

Wow. That just literally happened in the 30 minutes since I last checked Bleeding Cool.

Her new book by Ryan North and Erica Henderson is kick-ass.

Nah, that's just fans Chicken-Little-ing. There's been rumours of a Marvel reboot for the last three years or so, but it's always been just another big event.

Especially since they HAVE actually already given Squirrel Girl her own comic, and it's awesome.

You should definitely red her new book then.

To be honest, I find it hard to get into the main X-books at all, because they are so obsessed of late with hammering the 'mutants as oppressed minority' angle, along with relying on the team's convoluted past to muster interest. I prefer the offbeat X-books that almost inevitably get cancelled too soon, like Si

I still maintain that Jason Aaron's Wolverine & The X-Men run was great fun, even though hardcore X-fans seemed to hate it.
Actually, especially because hardcore X-fans seemed to hate it.

Ah, well in that case I feel terrible. The little Complete Guide To The Music Of George Michael book I own didn't mention any of that.
It sure does explain 'Spinning The Wheel' though.

I wouldn't mind seeing that show again. Is it even on DVD?