
I think Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever is considered an unofficial Travelling Wilbury's vol 2

I bought the first one based on the cover. Maybe the US edition has a different cover? but mine has an awesome spaceship pic like some old-school movie concept art.

This book is fuckin rad. A modern day sci-fi classic of the old school: a high concept plot balanced by exploration of the human condition. No snark. Go read it.

On Blu Ray, yes I think it was on the HD versions. TNG too.

I objected to the remasters on the basis that old school special effects are part of the original series' charm, and that I felt these upgrades were pandering to nerds for whom everything has to be ultra 'realistic' or else it's for babies.

Well, in keeping with my previous comment, I'd argue that the Gunners' music was just so good that it couldn't be denied.

"Great records are hardly ever judged on the music alone. There are other elements we naturally consider, such as general aesthetic, backstory, and the larger zeitgeist. An important—and perhaps unfair—lens through which many records and artists are also judged is their detectable impact."

See, I don't think they're crap compared to their earlier albums; they're just not metal albums. Load is a great hard rock album

Maybe How I Met Your Mother? The discontent over the ending might overshadow the show itself.

Load was my first Metallica album. Actually it was baby's first metal CD ever.
Still one of my favourite albums, haters be damned.

Oh god I hated those knock-off theme music cds. You could never tell until you played them.

The last R.E.M. release as a four piece too.

For me I think it was either Peter Gabriel Secret World Live, or Nustrat Fateh Ali Khan Mustt Mustt.

I haven't rewatched those early episodes. Maybe I should and re-evaluate them. I just remember thinking that they weren't nearly as bad as everyone was ranting about.
To me in Australia, seeing the show months after the online narrative about the show had been established, made me think people were succumbing to a

I liked most of the Agents of SHIELD off the bat (though I could see what everybody else's problem with Skye was) so that's a subjective thing.
I would argue that S1 of X-Files had higher highs than AOS S1, but also lower lows ('Space', 'Ghost In The Machine', 'Fire').
Then again, when you compare any show to X-Files

That's a pretty standard pattern for the best sci-fi shows: the first season lays the groundwork, so the second season can up the stakes in a way that matters.
Some people take this too far though. i've seen people state that you can skip the first season of Buffy, which…no.

This site is not the place to go for well-reasoned opinions on Agents Of SHIELD. It's a fun show, but people quickly turned against it for not immediately introducing every leftover character from the comics and featuring an apocalyptic action spectacle every episode, like they'd never heard of such a thing as a

"Anyone who questions the necessity of Agent Carter should know that in the show’s first episode, there’s a scene where Hayley Atwell"

Love Midnight Oil, but Hunters & Collectors were brilliant as BOTH a weird abrasive art-rock band AND a fist-pumping pub-rock band. They win 80s Australia.
Hoodoo Gurus win best singles band.

'And So It Goes' is one of the most hauntingly downbeat love songs from a supposedly satisfied fat cat rocker ever.