Came out in 2016. Directed by Vladimir Putin.
Came out in 2016. Directed by Vladimir Putin.
Sandler was funny back when we were all 17 and drunk or high most of the time.
Greg Le Mond had one of the highest V02 max levels ever measured. Yet somehow having a natural advantage makes a man more manly and a woman less womanly. Strange, huh?
If you gave him the middle name “DaPolice” it would just be *chef’s kiss*.
The original hippies all voted for Trump so... no.
Look on the bright side. What would look better mounted on a bunch of spikes than the heads of Trump and his cabinet?
Data Point:
It’s like we agree on the technical details, but the framing is totally different.
None of this comment bears any correspondence to easily-verifiable facts. Does that not bother you in the least?
I guess if all of the jobs available to you pay so little that you need three of them to survive, every job is “supplemental income.”
Well, if we take Stormy Daniels at her word, for a certain subset of “physical holes” a squeeze would be entirely unnecessary.
You sound like the kind of person who complains about black peoples’ names.
But you see, when a “man” is stronger and faster than usual, he is more “manly.” When a “woman” is stronger and faster than usual, she is less “womanly.”
I worked with a guy who married into big money. We had this conversation: “even if you’re billionaire, a wasted dollar is sill a wasted dollar.” He rejected the premise outright. So, you’d think a billionaire would understand the value of $270k but you might actually be wrong.
1790: Population 3 million. “Country’s full!”
For the most part...
Hey, I was at the Clayoquot blockade!
But you’ll also eliminate a lot of the duplication, particularly in administration, and be able to negotiate costs. And, uh... eliminate the enormous profits from the equation.
When you cut $1.5t from Medicaid and $220b from SNAP. That’s when it really starts to come together.
I’m a middle-aged white guy who left my career (such as it was) to get a degree, which I got at 40. One of my profs invited me to apply for grad school, in spite of my mediocre grades (I’m clever, I guess, but not especially scholastic — that is, I hate school.)