
If it were me he’d have been shitting teeth for a week.

Uniformity is a feature for these guys.

For you and me both, friend.

As a rule of thumb, any positive attribute of manhood will also be a positive attribute of womanhood.

If you’re white, no question Canada is better.

My partner’s trans-masculine friend was struggling with what it means to be “a man,” and how to perform masculinity. I — a reasonably manly “man” — said, “that’s it, that’s the whole game. Being ‘manly’ boils down to anxiety about being manly enough.”

I pity her in the same way I pitied ED-209 when it fell down the stairs.

I don’t care about Ellen, but: A good rule of thumb is that nobody comes to be worth $300mil without being the kind of person who wants to be worth $300mil. And in general, that kind of person is an asshole.

It’s fun to know that she exists, but I stopped the highlight reel 1/3 of the way through and that was enough.

Is that the one where she showed Dave her tits?


When you can no longer tell where your lips begin or end, how do you keep your lipstick game tight?

They individually benefited from a sort of cultural arbitrage, but that’s orthogonal to the question of whether non-white people benefit from their ethnicity as a class. (They quantitatively don’t.)

It would be interesting to look at how many people fake their ethnicity and fail. We can count these notable instances

Maybe it would be helpful to name the country where people can’t choose their surgeons so people can respond with specifics.

So out of principle I decided I’d become a carnivore and just lived on mince, some chicken, maybe with some mayonnaise.

We subsidize fatherlessness by imprisoning millions of black men for non-violent offenses and using them as slave labor because there are so many financial benefits to these young women to not get married and have more children, because then they can get more subsidies for those children.

It looks very much like a fibre cloth (think Swiffer) that has gone through a blender. I don’t know, but an “accident” is believable. A barista’s job is too precarious and a cop’s feelings too bloody sensitive for most people to risk a prank like this.

What does HE think crime is if its not that?

A rule of thumb: All Politics is Identity Politics.

Victorian prolixity is only cool if you can do it convincingly. He... can’t.

Why do rich kids, with all the freedom in the world to do and buy whatever they want, do and buy the same boring shit?