
For people who are philosophically interested in big-P Principle, attributing personhood to this guy is a real challenge.

A lot of us non-Americans take it as given that a person can’t be good and be president because, though America seems to be essentially ungovernable, it is, in many ways that matter, unequivocally bad.

As much as I hate guns and violence (implicit, structural or otherwise), I always look at this photo and think: “reasonable.”

you hit raw

Meanwhile, in North America, so-called “Liberals” and “centrists” and “havers of common sense” nod their heads: “sounds good to me.”

I’m not completely deaf. I had mumps* and meningitis, and the theory is that the resulting neurological damage cost me to most of the hearing in one ear and some in the other. I don’t think anyone realized the extent of the damage for a while.

My teachers told my mom I was retarded. She hired a psychologist who figured out that I was uh... pretty smart actually*, but that I was fucking deaf and didn’t know what was going on. Oh, did my mom love rubbing their noses in that report.

I have had my foreskin removed without my consent, and I think you’re a fucking embarrassment.

As a Bob Dylan fan, agreed.

Not only do you not have a basic understanding of rights, particularly as enshrined in American law, you are participating in a forum that is positively crawling with lawyers who are telling you you don’t know what you’re talking about. You should listen to them.

She is a woman who has some important ideas about financial regulation. Of course this is going to be the #1 election issue.

Wow, your partner is supposed to be the one who gives you refuge from the nutters in your birth family. I hope this can work out for you, or if it can’t that you can get away clean.

If it makes you feel better (it won’t) I’ve spoken to my dad about this kind of stuff. He’s an old-time socialist/anarchist, but he always had a hate on for women. Then one day he read a book by Christina Hoff Sommers, and that was the end of that. (His big woman-dismissal strategy is to talk about the violence

Considering union membership is at an all-time low, maybe the cancer is something other than organized labour, huh?

If you’re trying to say he looks like 99% of rural Canadians, you’re correct.

My supervisor complained to me that, “you can’t say anything anymore!” I just said, “well, just talk to any woman with the sort of restraint you’d use with your daughter. Presumably you haven’t sexually harassed her?” He seemed to take the point at the time, but it didn’t stick.

It is selfish (and stupid) to pretend, like a spoiled child, that the things you depend on for your existence are provided entirely by yourself.

Just wait until they find out about gynecologists.

Perspective: fully half of the US government’s financial assets are in the form of outstanding student loans. Think about that for a second.

You know what they used to say, back when a million dollars was a lot of money: