
large informal reception in the summer with good food, great beer, and a big crowd to keep costs down and the fun factor up. It was basically a picnic in a county park pavilion

No-call / no-show for an appointment at your place of work, or some professional location (like a dentist’s office) is bad form. Doing it in a social setting (as opposed to a professional one) doesn’t make it okay, especially if it’s because you “didn’t care that particular day”.

Because these people got reminders to RSVP and didn’t. For fuck’s sake, it takes all of 2 seconds to message someone ‘thanks for the invite, unfortunately I can’t make it’. Size of the group invited doesn’t matter, it takes the individual literally no time to respond. Those that RSVP’d yes and didn’t show can die in

gifts were unnecessary

Because these people got reminders to RSVP and didn’t. For fuck’s sake, it takes all of 2 seconds to message someone ‘thanks for the invite, unfortunately I can’t make it’. Size of the group invited doesn’t matter, it takes the individual literally no time to respond. Those that RSVP’d yes and didn’t show can die in a

And not attending is fine, just don’t RSVP that you’re coming or refuse multiple RSVP requests and then show up anyway. And particularly don’t no show and then use the excuse (of many posters) that as it was ‘just a reception’ and not that fancy that you didn’t think it was important enough to worry about flaking.

No-call / no-show for an appointment at your place of work, or some professional location (like a dentist’s office) is bad form. Doing it in a social setting (as opposed to a professional one) doesn’t make it okay, especially if it’s because you “didn’t care that particular day”.

people tend to throw around rsvps pretty willy nilly when theres 400 invitees and its only vaguely related to an important event in someones life.

Yeah, I thought the response was strange too. This wasn’t an intimate gathering, it was huge (I’m surprised she even noticed). And yeah, it sucks they didn’t honor their RSVP, but you kind of figure some people won’t. It literally happens at every RSVP event ever. I had some people who were no-shows to my wedding, but

Possible thought process for the people who RSVPed but did not show (Not endorsing it, just hypothesizing):

I agree with you in a lot of ways here, but they RSVP’d. They said they were going to go and they didn’t—and it wasn’t even for a good reason. So yeah, I totally get what you’re saying here, but you’re still promising someone you’ll be somewhere, then not doing it without saying a word.

I think it’s a bit ridiculous to invite 400 people to your non-wedding picnic reception and then obsess over the no-shows especially when presumably you had a good time anyway and the costs weren’t significant enough to be the main issue. Even if you went the traditional route with save the dates people simply won’t

I was actually in the same position as Nukey’s friends: A friend of mine threw a large party in lieu of a formal wedding reception and I blew it off, he was mad at me for ages. (In that case the invite situation was much more unclear - there was just an email invite  and I had literally no idea that he considered the

Nukey: Maybe it’s the biggest moment of your life, but why should anyone treat it any way other than another event they have to go to if they’re just number 341 out of 400? 

If people are buying food/drinks/etc. RSVP either way and stick to it (unless you really can’t.) It’s how they know how much they need to buy.

If I were invited to a picnic with FOUR HUNDRED other people that was held months after a formal wedding ceremony, and did not feature any “traditional wedding crap”, I would in no way consider that to be a reception and would feel REALLY weird if gifts were mentioned in any way. The number of invitees alone would

I agree with you in theory. But if it gets out that We Got Y’all discriminated against Hispanic students, it will look better if you organization to swift and harsh action against the person at the company that was responsible. If it looks like they swept it under the rug, they get a ton of bad publicity, lose

When Kelli was talking about abruptly getting her period, and Tiffany chimed in “That makes one of us.” I started howling. I love this nutty, bougie, extra-ass bitch. I have a feeling that her and Derek aren’t going to be coupled up for much longer, though.

I still think that threatening to fire Issa seemed a bit unrealistic and over-the-top. The director had been nothing but enthusiastic and supportive about Issa before that point. Although it was an egregious mistake, the responsibility for it also falls on the director for not making it her business to know what was

Some of my favourite exchanges this season, may not be the funniest, but to me were so so memorable: (Just realised most were in the season premiere)