
I like how in Max Payne 3, they pair two crews together for be "rivals" for part of the match, and the rivalry is tracked on the social club page. I think this forced rivalry for some group "that isn't us" can get pretty interesting and makes a pretty good bonding experience with your crew and you can potentially have

I think the best way to solve an infinite loop is to get both portals on the floor, and keep on falling and hopping between the two, and let the air resistance bring you to a normal speed.

I was thinking the head would roll back onto him.

The E3 presentation was interesting...

Jake Solomon is my new game designer hero. I wanted to tell him at E3 but he was busy the time I saw him.

So I didn't see this on the show floor at all...

Played all 5 games of Nintendo Land this week, and I got to play on both the tablet and with a wiimote for Luigi and AC.

I remember playing Mortal Kombat and losing with Stryker, but at one point, I was able to pull off an X-Ray. I found myself mimicking his moves during the animation; it was so satisfying. No More Heroes' combat is all finishing moves; the waggle was kept to great, appropriate amount. It had a good, energizing feeling

At E3, probably my favorite piece of swag is Mickey Mouse-Style Oswald ears, with an Oswald logo on the front.

It's totally fan made, but worthy of notice.

ODST is my favorite Halo Campaign, ever. I would also consider it very Marjora's Mask-y, which is my all time favorite game. I think they fall under the category of Gaiden games.

Well, Hideo confirmed it in the original project, saying it will be different than what Solid Snake does. I wasn't sure what got axed with the new project. I wonder if the disarming system and non-lethal will make a return from his word of mouth plans.

Well its not 100 percent the original game, but I'm glad they could fit alot of the promising elements of the original premise, such as Zan Datsu, action stealth, using physics and cutting. Plus the story, for those who can handle Hideo zaniness, is pretty interesting, visiting his child soldier past and exploring the

People should remember, Battlefront wasn't really that great... Battlefront falls under having most of its appeal on being Star Wars and hides the fact that it's a mess of a class based shooter and space shooter. X-Wing and Republic Commando have smaller scopes and are better games for it (depending on who you ask,

Who's going?

What if it's a Gears 3 expansion?

Mother 3 on the e-shop, international. I feel that a lot of the popularity came after the GBA was considered dead, say about 2008. (The DS was already out when Mother 3 came out.) They couldn't release a game on a dead platform. Porting the game, well that's a possibility, but I'm unsure if it would be ported if it

Looks like a glorified Season Pass rather than some subscription service. At least I would be saving money. I prefer not to have things be so exclusive to a Season Pass, though. Some people don't have the interest or the money to buy every piece of DLC at one single moment. If they sell it as a bundle without all the

I believe Bioshock could have passed being called a System Shock game like System Shock: Rapture or something stupid like that. When they created Far Cry 2, everything clicked; sandbox shooter, non-urban environment, survival shooter. Crysis could have passed as Far Cry 2, if they had access to the name.

Tears was playing on the (satellite) radio a few days ago. I got out of my car, pulled out two pistols out of my gun-holsters, which I had no idea I was wearing or even owned. And started firing at some gang members, which seemed out of place in one of the safest cities in the US.