I've seen some rumors it can do some DX11 stuff, being given DX11 compatible cards. Of course that doesn't matter if Wii U doesn't run Direct X.
I've seen some rumors it can do some DX11 stuff, being given DX11 compatible cards. Of course that doesn't matter if Wii U doesn't run Direct X.
Don't forget Everything or Nothing. That, in my opinion, is the best James Bond game. Goldeneye Current Gen was pretty good. A lot of people say that N64 Goldeneye didn't age well, but I say it did because it found a good formula with its limited controls. You were either really fast or really accurate. People take…
So the Moonraker laser... is a machine gun... ummmm, the point of unconventional weapons is so that you have guns that work differently than what conventional weapons offer.
"Monkey Island™"
Skip to 1:29
No, Twilight Princess Zelda wasn't that great.
I know, hilarious. He may be getting that confused with largest but even then, I'm not sure that's true. I presume why COD saw a lot of resistance online and still broke records is because of all these people I like to call "Mature Casuals". Essentially adult non-gamers.
Lots of Auto-Aim.
That is seriously cool stuff.
Small rumor and most likely untrue but Mercenaries 3 in Frostbite to be made by EA LA.
Malcolm should then shoot his Flak Cannon at you.
Actually, this came out of a game jam. Many innovated companies do things where they devote time to letting everyone do whatever they want to do as long as its for the company and they are working. However, a shady Microsoft deal coup have happened after...
It will be <500 dollars in 6 months. Not because it won't sell but because all Hardware gets cheap in a matter of months. To put it in perspective, our current computers would be super computers if you sent them back 5-10 years.
In Battlefield 2: Special Forces, there were maps where many of the flags would take place inside large buildings, some of them had multiple points in the same building. A lot of the conquest assault maps had a giant building as the defending side's main base. I feel they could make these maps have the close combat…
Ummm, it's in Source... well the latest version of Source, the post-Portal 2 version of Source.
Because when people buy things, businesses pay attention, and not just the company makes it. If people are going to pay for Call of Duty, it means a lot for other companies too:
I saw that Legion at Emerald City Comic-Con 2 or 3 weeks back. Pretty cool stuff.
I have about 150 knife kills. More than all my friends. Definitely I have the highest knife per playtime than anyone I know. Trying to get rare dog tags is great too. It's like stealing people's souls.
After hearing a talk from Ellen McLain talk about her role as the announcer, I do imagine her as a great despicable dictator. She called her a bitch.
His other two are just as fantastic. I think these amazing moments are common for everyone. There is a set up that the enemy creates for such things to happen in the first place. Some of us are just better at following through with them.