Okay, found it, once I reenabled blue check marks from people I don’t follow. And it’s heavy on the Star Wars version of the tweet.
A lot of the “Customize your character”. I’m not going with the benefit of the doubt and say they want to give Kay a mullet like Cal.
But I’m still curious: who the fuck are these people…
Actually, I was very curious about this because I was unaware of this take actually existed; I was under the assumption that Kay was cool with mostly everyone, including those people that aren’t far gone but shutter at signs of “wokeness”, both overt and nuanced; I felt this was largely because the role is gender…
Not the first time it happened, and it was a Tomb Raider ride. It’s like poetry; it rhymes!
Wow, this article reeks of a lack of nuance, because we live in an era where both-sides-isms are the worst thing in the world, even though we are just talking about video game matchmaking and not if someone deserves basic human rights.
Are when the XIM exists, a device that spoofs mouse and keyboards, meaning a mouse and keyboard player can reap the benefits of auto aim:
Coming from a Reach fan (and Infinite fan), the DMR’s problem is that everyone had a DMR at Spawn, meaning all the RNG issues were all about 2 players, both playing completely optimally, having to choose to roll a die to hope to get a headshot, or wait a beat and get an almost guaranteed headshot.
The DMR will almost…
No mention of Gyro aiming, not even in passing??? The Deck has a unique feature, in that you can have it only active when you are touching the right stick.
Honestly, my order of importance for controller parity begins with Gyro in all controllers, which Xbox is the only outlier. Then it goes:
Rear Buttons (in base…
I was an enforcer for PAX West 2021, which is notoriously placed among multiple buildings in addition to the convention center (though this year, there were only two hotel annexes). I know in comparison, PAX East is located all in a single convention center.
So anyway, the process is that the absolute first thing you…
I almost did but stopped at the 3rd of the 4th Driving Offensively emblems. I definitely began to make a decision to let myself have more than a 7 days off of Halo, to not let myself get burned out.
I don’t wanna be in a building that would break within a year of sale. *bum bum tis*
You should watch the presentation. There’s a lot of promising potential with minimal effort drag and drop tech and resource sharing between teams (one example is that blueprints are directly sharable via tutorials).
No. The better statement would be that something was implied to replace it; to be the alternate focus.
What do you mean 15 minutes? I checked Wario64's comments. Wario’s “on sale” tweet had comments within minutes stating that they’re sold out.
The Soldier thing kinda bugs me. Mass Effect is actually a great shooter, even its early jank, “we somehow made combat work,” Bioware Magic ME1 days. Powers are what really escalate combat and make the game stand out, but all soldiers get out of the system is assault rifles, slow mo, and a weaker “Biotic Throw”. Don’t…
Obviously, it’s very inelegant to move furniture in front of your guest.
What I really do wonder is if she was hired based on her portfolio, and not because some Infinity Ward artist was looking at military fiction pitches. The safest statement anyone can say is that Haugens doesn’t own the talent’s likeness, and the last thing I think anyone wants is for the talent to caught in the…
I gotta say, the few friends that have opened up about Software Development crunch are way more negative about it. I wonder how much passion influences their desire to stay overtime on their own accord.
Debates on crunch aren’t so black and white, especially within the industry. Being more humane about crunch, and paying the overtime is pretty important; myself and my peers haven’t experienced the extreme toxic crunch that often gets reported on, nor none of us lost the drive to make games. I hear all the time that…