Womp Womp

I guess you are familiar with neither the Clinton Foundation nor the Clinton Global Initiative.

Never understood why archaeologists insist on calling some species geniuses, especially the extinct ones. Fossil researchers do the same thing. I don’t get how they can be so brazen in their assumptions. Without an intact, functioning brain you can’t measure intelligence, not to mention you would need a scale for each

You clearly do not understand what embassies or consulates are.  Please do some reading and get back to me.

Then maybe they should get rid of their cute lil theocratic Muslim dictatorship. 

Kagan is bought off by special interests.

Obama was doing this his entire presidency. Trump stopped it yesterday.

Dems don’t vote in midterms.  They don’t even know midterms exist.  Trump is going to increase his support in both chambers while outright adding seats in the senate.  The Blue Wave is a joke.

If you need more proof that college kids should’nt be able to vote, here it is: This guy gets paid millions to coach a bunch of kids earning ZERO. He’s set for life, most of his players will soon be basically homeless. . They need to unionize so they can demand payment and pressure the NBA to start drafting outside

The left doesn’t donate to charity. They pretend taxes are charity and then avoid them.  However, they constantly argue that taxes should be increased and that makes them feel like they’re doing something charitable even though they aren’t the ones paying.  

LOL I bet you voted for Hillary.  

I disagree. While mayonnaise is very good in general it does not belong on salads lest you consider cole slaw a salad which I don’t. Mayonnaise is particularly bad.... I just realized you tramps deleted my Wedge Salad critique.

He cute

Speaking of crisis actors, what ever happened to David Hogg and that bald kid? They disappeared overnight. I guess the half-life for crisis actors is pretty short.

Yeah totally.  Anyway, people abuse the asylum process all the time.  This isn’t some crazy notion.  Anyone with a brain knows this happens.

This is a frustratingly obvious CIA Psy Op to convince the public that your phone can explode and kill you. Don’t believe this. Your phone cannot explode and kill you. If people start believing this the CIA will have license to trigger a phone explosion in your pocket that could kill or maim you.

Donald Trump is already the best president since Reagan. He will eclipse Reagan soon enough. By the end of his second term he will be the final face on Mt Rushmore.

Boy are you in for some wild times.

To ask that question means that we will never reach an agreement.  The purpose of the internet is to reach agreement with others and therefore I believe it’s best if we both walk away from this ASAP. 

Yeah, it’s still my url though.  And my dog’s name.  I was hesitant to use the Womp Womp until it was reported today that the mother was a drug dealer.  

You start by reminiscing about the good ol’ days where civility reigned. You end by suggesting that the other side does not deserve civility. How did this happen?