Womp Womp

The only thing being plagiarized here is this article which uses the exact same pics as the Daily Mail article that broke this story.


Where are all the commenters? Back in the Gawker days there would be hundreds of comments within the first hour of an article. Now it’s all the same old retards, myself included. There are only like 12 people who comment on this site these days. Get a bigger audience. It’s not hard with a system like Kinja, takes two

He doesn’t lie.

Did the players all quit?  That’s how that works.

Tell me ASAP.

This story will be forgotten by next week and the Dems will have to find something else to fill the void that the Trump-Russia Collusion conspiracy theory left. Midterms are right around the corner and you all know that the Blue Wave is a myth. We are going to pick up seats in the Senate and Trump support will begin

I don’t.  To me, being German is just like being American or being Chinese or African.  Ethnicity is just a function of where you are located.  It has never and will never be anything more than that.  We’re all the same and all equal. 

Cis girl?

Which Germans are you talking about?  Legacy population or the newly imported population?

Do people still watch those?  They’re on so late that nobody who gets up at a respectable hour sees them. 


There are no laws in war. There are only laws that the victors retroactively impose on the losers. This is and always has been the case. The victors write the history as well. War is war - everything and anything is always on the table and up for grabs.

You wish.  She’s super fit. Face of an angel too. 

Don’t flatter yourself.  Being out of the grey isn’t a big deal.

Kinda have to disagree with that.  I’m just being honest.  All this fake outrage about Obama’s Camps was annoying.  Glad your president took care of it.

Are you suggesting that she actually does care?  I doubt she cares about this border issue.  Nobody really cares.  You don’t care either.  You pretend to, but you don’t.  I also don’t care.  You don’t get citizenship just because you have legs.  Build The Wall.

If the downside of wearing the jacket is causing the left to look like insane people for the fifth day in a row then it seems to have been a very good decisiion. 

She doesn’t care. Neither do any of you. Nobody actually cares about this otherwise it would have been an issue during the eight years Obama was doing the same thing.

Barron is on a private guided tour of Mars.