Womp Womp

Not so secret anymore. Look how quickly they turned on Kanye. Think that opened a few eyes? I do.

Ok.  Enough is enough.  Billionaire Kate Spade decides to kill herself.  Perfect life Bourdain, loved by all, decides to kill himself.  Koko, everyone’s favorite non-Harambe [RIP] gorilla “dies of natural causes.”  And we just sit here and accept these ridiculous narratives because we’re to afraid to admit what deep

Mexican Food.  Elite.  What?

No you don’t.

Just one man’s opinion but nothing will ever beat Mean Girls.  Not for me.  That movie was perfect. 

I was about to star you because we agree on the DH and then you insulted Trump. I have now sent your Kinja username to the Trump Reeducation Data Team that will secure you a spot in the first Trump Centre For Reeducation and Manual Labor. However, do not be dismayed. I am in good graces with these folx and have told

We must resist the NBAification of the MLB.  Baseball is America’s pastime and none of these circus-tactics have any place in it.  I think we can agree on this.

No, he really doesn’t. If anyone goes after him you will create an even larger awakening than the one you are already up against.

Get rid of the Home Run Derby, The All Star Game, and the DH. 

What is with you brainiacs implying that the only Mexicans in America are illegals?

Was it another DOJ employee like the one who harassed Kirstjen Nielsen?

FYI - this photo is staged.

“Allegedly” —-> Fake News

It is an excellent surveillance device, however.

$5M isn’t that much for security detail covering a person that the left has deemed a target. He’s restoring the EPA to its original mission from its current TSAesque Gestapo state: protecting the environment.