
Costume looks cool. Maybe it’s time to remember that Halloween is about having fun for the night, not getting pedantic about the proper interpretation of a comic book character.

You gave joy and comfort to millions, with your art and work. You will be missed, RIP!

Can we get Jim Rash as Lobot?

I’ve got a 13 year old and a 4 year old. Parenting is easier with tablets.

How dare he eat and socialize with other humans. The Reaper’s clock is ticking goddammit.

I’m not sure about this specific video, but there is validity to presenting science in a manner that former colonial societies can own. Scientific truth is scientific truth, but the presentation of science is a product of it’s society. The goal isn’t to deny scientific truths, but to rewrite them within the context

If only we could use fear and hatred to produce electricity....

here we go, got anymore of those? Let it all out

Now playing

I was hoping someone would make a new episode in the same style. Can’t beat that Ray Ellis music from season one.

Clever comment, lots of stars, wooo! But the argument isn’t about previous hurricane precedent, it’s that climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of severe weather, so in the future there will be more storms like this. But yeah, who cares about the future?

Some of those examples were a reeeeal stretch. Some were homages, yes, but most of them? Filler for the cinema class project the publisher was working on.

Does Ironman not count? I’m pretty sure RDJ only wear the helmet. Occasionally a mocap suit to go with it.

I’m reading the biography of Otto Binder right now (he wrote for Captain Marvel and created characters like Mary Marvel, Supergirl, Brainiac, etc) and I really want a Mad Men style television show about the Golden Age of Comics. It would be super fascinating.

Cause Interstellar had absolutely nothing to say about climate change or the way we’re going to destroy our planet.

Yeah, screw those movies that dare to be about things!

Devil’s advocate here:

THAT’S the lesson you think people should have learned? Go fuck yourself.

Correction “Nothing is free in america”

I really don’t understand why there isn’t an app I can download for every major television channel that simply livestreams the content on the channel, advertisements included. I wouldn’t be able to block or even easily ignore those ads because they’re embedded in the video stream, and better yet, they’d be able to

“Well too freaking bad. Nothing is free in this world.