
I thought the general consensus was that donating to the Red Cross is a bad idea because they don’t do targeted donations? I couldn’t tell one way or another from their web site.

Are there any other organizations that would be recommended? After how Red Cross handled the record breaking $500M in donations following the earthquake in Haiti, I refuse to donate to them.

I love this posting so much it hurts...

Though the disease model of addiction is still popular with a lot of professionals, I (I’m a psychologist myself) tend to think that Bruce Alexanders’ work (that was recently backed up by wikileaks stuff on how the American government hushed studies done by the WHO) shows a very promising alternative: being unhappy

You mean the fight his predecessor got us into? Oh, ya - JT should TOTALLY assume responsibility for fixing/ending that shit show.

Well he has the same economic advisors that Paul Martin did who was the last PM to not only balance the budget but to create a surplus.

Too Late To Edit Addition: I’m not going to engage in the specific people but for all the deservedly grey comments out there whining about her college paper, I will simply say this:

That sums up the whole situation and puts a nice little bow on it.

anime titties are their lifeforce. Without the sweet succor of digital boobs, they shrivel and die.

So....just to make sure I’m clear, there are real actual human beings who:

If she is/was an escort, if that is the problem.... so freaking what. People need to get over this public fear of sexual activities.

yea, not one of my strong suits. Leave it to the internet to ignore the comment and focus on the typing errors

I wonder how this stuff burns? Would it be code to use this in place of drywall, or glass? Does it off gas super toxic if it catches fire?

Y’know, I used to see piracy as a black-and-white issue (and I still feel that it is fundamentally wrong on a number of levels, as gaming is a leisure activity—really, a luxury—rather than a basic human need, and therefore shouldn’t be subject to the whole “Robin Hood” school of thought in terms of “stealing is okay,

Definitely don’t check out Salt and Sanctuary then. You’ll kill your wallet and your free time. And quite possibly a bit of your not free time.

That’s not the issue though, the issue is that the NA/EU version was released for some VIP 3 weeks in advance. That’s a long ass time.

I always hated the “sorry if we offended you” idea. Don’t make a conditional apology, just leave it as a simple “we fucked up, sorry.”

Well, it’s America. Can’t rail too much about Christianity or the sheeple of the steeple get upset.

Maybe, but I have to be honest. I loved that trailer. It spoke to my heart. My deranged, Kung Pow lovin’ heart.