
Have you watched the video? John talk about point 1-2-3 and point 4 is bullshit. You just repeat the FBI arguments, and they don’t know much about technology.

I was thinking the same thing. Is photography just like sport? Do Everybody cheat? Anyway, your comment reminded me of José Luis Rodriguez’s picture, that turn out to be a tame wolf...

So, in this show, Rory from Doctor Who is a british time master, who stoled a time machine and find companions to travel with him. Some of his crew regenerate when they die and his arch-nemesis also regenerate when he die. In the same universe, John Barrowman play someone who can’t die. Alex Kingston also play in

Im i the only one who got star wars bed sheets as a kid? It is not that bad..

#alllivesmatter prove rasism has ended in america!

It is called hero’s fatigue.

From the side he really looks like Robert Downey Jr.

“And no, the drop in evening crime wasn’t compensated by an increase in morning assaults. Criminals (shocker) don’t appear to be early birds.”

If you have to decrypt with brute force, you have to hit the target very hard... Only then will they tell you the key to the encryption.
With current technologies we can only cause mild inconvenience (some pop-up windows, ad with sound, etc...)
With enough computing power we can beat the crap out of those foreign

Not constipated...Diarrhea!

Only in the land of the free... Everywhere else you can go disguised as you like.

No dark city? I guess they did go with matrix, but it take a little credibility out of this list.

2013 Gravity

I watched the tv movie last week with Paul Mcgann and was really surprised at how fun the thing was. Mcgann is great as the doctor. It makes me a little sad because Mcgann is now my third favorite doctor and the only other time he play the doctor is for a 5 min. featurette for the 50th anniversary episode (where he

Donald Trump.... is that you?

Now playing

The Jorah theory is interesting and original. At least more belivable than this one.

He could also make a great Lando Calrissian.

The only toy my parent have bought me that i still play as an adult.