Chip Overclock®

Don’t put it in a shared account with your spouse? I get where they’re coming from and the benefits of not doing that, but if you’ve had joint finances with your spouse up to the point of the inheritance, it’s difficult to see it going over well with your spouse to tell them “you know that huge chunk of change coming

“Don’t break into someone’s house and then shoot him” doesn’t seem like an especially impossible standard.

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

Now playing

A reminder that the military really doesn’t have a problem with murdering all y’all...

College faculty member here. While completely inappropriate and extremely unsettling, it pains me to say that I am not surprised by Stallman’s comments and behavior. People who work in academia often lead very microcosmic lives. Especially at the post-secondary level. Some are considered experts and even pioneers in

If you’re doing supersets with multiple machines, you should expect people to work in, not expect to have two machines all to yourself lol

This is #1 with a bullet. Extra points if there is a mirror nearby and they’re taking selfies between sets.

Ya... “Super setting” machines and expecting people not to use it even though the machine is empty is a bigger gym faux pa in my book then reading Facebook between sets on a machine. Especially during peak. As I have seen lots of guys do that too.

Nobody cares why you are there. Just because the reason is “you want your alone time” doesn’t mean you get to try and erase years of accepted gym etiquette because you are an introvert; you are in public. We, the people asking to work in or asking how many sets, as long as we are doing it politely, are not in the

Ah, but recall, “That is not dead which can eternal fry.”

If sci-fi horror stories have taught me anything, anything at all, it’s that you categorically should not eat ancient, eldritch horrors from the deep.

When did “working in” go out of fashion?  10-15 years ago, it wasn’t even an issue.  Now if I go up to someone who has been on equipment after I’ve gone through a 3x10 somewhere else and hit them with a “Do you mind if I work in?”, I tend to get hit with a “I only have x sets left” response that is tantamount to an

My gym finally put up the (admittedly, somewhat sexist) sign: “Guys, if you’re not able to return the weights to the rack, please come up to the front desk and ask one of the girls to do it for you.”

One problem I ran into is that too many owners believe that because those jobs are technically unskilled, all employees are interchangeable. Anyone can drop frozen patties on a grill and pull the lever, so why treat them like anything other than cogs in a wheel?

I loved this show back in the day, but Alton’s work (and statements) since GE have made him about 100% less charming.

It was intentional.

This is honestly the best video I’ve seen in years. Paget Brewster is amazing. 

Those baggage X-ray/CT machines are pretty strong compared to the carry on ones - they’ll fog film for sure where as the other ones generally don’t. Kiddo probably upped his yearly dose by a bit

The TSA only pulled him off because he contains more than 3.4 ounces of liquid.

I’ve worked for Starbucks for 15 years. Now I don’t remember without a doubt that we wouldn’t give you regular coffee if you had purchased a latte first. That really doesn’t seem correct though.