
Dany will never win. It is waaaay too predictable and GRRM doesn't write that way. She's the big setup. This fight though is going to finish off the season I think, Dany's regrouping can only be with the northerners who will have the only army left after Dany burns Jamie and his. I just hope the few non-linear

They are RIPPING through this Westerosi war business…and I'm kinda liking it! It means they are gonna have just the white walkers, northerners, daenerys' dragons and cersei for the back stretch and that's gonna be amazing!

oh thats right. he's coming back for sure. :( ugh lol

Ugh. I hate the Gendry theories. He's been gone so long, he would be a waste of the limited space left in the storytelling imo.

Anyone else think that when Jon gets to Dragonstone the dragon's are gonna come up to him and clue him and Dany up that he's part Targaeryn?

Jon Snow Prediction! They have Jon going to meet with Daenerys to get the dragonglass….but the real reason in the story is when he's down there the dragon's are going to respond strange and come to him and that is how he will find out he's part Targareyn. :)

With only seven episodes I'm hoping this was all the Table Setting we're going to get and the pace will ramp up from here. Though great table setting it was!

Yeah, I agree.

Everyone is speculating that Nora never left and she was lying to Kevin. I think that's a huge fakeout. She doesn't want to believe in a lie, that's why she leaves him at the wedding. She needs the truth to move forward so why would she lie to him at the end when she was getting the truth from him and it comforted her

I used to really like this show. It was light but fun, engaging and interesting. This back half of the season has been so incredibly blah. It was focused around what I find the most utterly boring part of this entire show….The Barry/Iris romance. It's been the most groaning, dull, forced romance since the show started

haha this made me literally laugh out loud.

Granted I was teary eyed when Norman obviously decided to pick up the knife and wanted his brother to kill him. They got me there :)

I've really fallen for this show. Freddie Highmore…wow. Incredible. But the two big things in this ending that nagged me, 1) Romero would NEVER have turned his back on Norman and 2) The house would have been swarming with police, just pulled me out a little too much and made me feel the writers just couldn't quite

I agree. They don't need to bring back that character at all.

Ah! I think I caught them re-dubbing Luca as she was leaving the party. I bet her original line was her saying she'd called an uber but the audio got weird as she said, "It's okay, I called a Lyft". Made me chuckle they're riding the recent drop uber bandwagon. Anyone else catch that?

I really liked the Quinn and Carrie moments this episode. The Quinn storyline was getting a bit old for me but it wrapped their years together of almost being together and the anger of him feeling betrayed and how the job makes them both sacrifice everything they love. Thought that was the best part of the episode.

They decided they were going to go in from where they were sniping.

I keep watching this show but I find it so frustrating. If you have a great sniper position, you stay there, for days if necessary. Going into that compound was so ridiculously ludicrous.

Agreed on all points.

Just from experience. I was out shooting with a friend who was a serious enthusiast and he said he always checks, its just habit because you never know and its a safety thing.