Yeah I totally agree with the writer on the stupidity of Astrid's reaction behind the car. She wouldn't have just paused. I also think she would most definitely have put a bullet in the chamber or made sure it was ready to fire.
Yeah I totally agree with the writer on the stupidity of Astrid's reaction behind the car. She wouldn't have just paused. I also think she would most definitely have put a bullet in the chamber or made sure it was ready to fire.
i am SOOOO in agreement. i find this character so unbelievably boring because his situation is ludicrous! he's outnumbered by like 100-1 and I'm sorry but your baseball bat isn't going to keep you alive if just five of those people decide to pull five guns on you. There were already like 10 women in that sex harem and…
I'm in agreement with the reviewer as well. It was definitely a solid season but I wouldn't say great either. The Delos corporation from beginning to end was a boring in the shadows threat that had no teeth at all. The Delores storyline he was right about in that she was mostly a passenger for other characters…even…
Ah, I thought that was the twist of the night. But what I'm seeing and agree with is that Ford had nothing to do with it, but Arnold told her to kill him so she could break her programming.
I don't think they bought a strap on as it looked just like a dildo but may have been the type that you insert into a strap on, and some of these are designed to have a clitoris stimulator on the other end so both people get physical stimulation. Outside of that I can't really say.
I think Thandie is definitely coming up fast, but Rachel Evan Wood has been spectacular since episode 1 imo. I think she's the best thing on the show currently.
I totally agree. I don't think we're in two separate timelines separated by decades at all either. The evidence for that theory is so thin. The same knife was one, but they have the same hat in 2 colors that every guest is wearing, how big a stretch is it to think they'd have the same knives. And the android that is…
Yes! How many people caught the Yul Brenner homage when Bernard went to 82nd level and it was standing in the back?! That was a nice touch.
I'm in agreement with some other commenters. The androids being clothed in the workshop just to ease the sensibility of the show viewers is ridiculous to me. As ridiculous as the second tech asking why Maeve has clothes on when he walked in. In this story and this world they are robots. The nudity doesn't at all seem…
Then why not do it right there in front of her fathers corpse. He mentions specifically that he's known her for years. If he's a sadist what pleasure would he get knowing she's fake and he's raped her countless times before. I don't think it tracks. I think he was just commenting on his original desire when he arrived…
I think people are wrong buying into Ed Harris raping Dolores in the barn. I think that's a total fake out. I don't think he's at all interested in typical carnal human pleasures in the park. He said he's been coming for 30 years. I think he's trying solely to find answers to questions we don't know and like scalping…
I was gonna say the same thing. That actor was unbelievable in that scene!!
Special effects were absolutely ON POINT! Amazing! But the Mereen and Winterfell fights were SO predictable as to how they'd end. No real suspense like Blackwater brought.
Oh. I wasn't bothered by that at all. They set it up in the training montages that blind Arya was able to get in a smack, meaning take out the lights and The Waif would get beaten. I didn't need to see the fight personally.
YESS!! After that bullshit "Arya takes a leisurely stroll while marked for death" nonsense last week the writers did what they should have and made the climactic Waif/Arya fight what it should have been. Arya should NEVER have been able to beat the waif in a straight up fight but outwit her to win and that's what she…
She's seen how effective they are as assassins from harrenhall. there's no way in hell she'd be walking around the city all smiling and without a costume or some way to hide her appearance. that was just super super lazy writing.
I was SO looking forward to the Arya scene this week. But she's walking around Braavos like she doesn't have a care in the world, overhearing conversations. I'm like WHAAAATT?!! She knows they are after her, can wear anyones face, and is taking a leisurely stroll? That writing was awful. I was hoping she'd be setting…
My question to the reviewers is, in the beginning of the episode norman is an adult under the bed and things are crashing around him. One of them I caught is a big white lamp. Did anyone else though notice no lamp falls during the actual rape? What is the lamp supposed to symbolize in his mind as an adult that was…
I can see where you may have thought that, like reaching out and grasping her childs hand was bringing him into the rape in a sexual way (on a subconscious level), but I think that's a misread. I think she was holding his hand solely as a means to say "I know you're afraid but I'm here."
i thought from a writing standpoint this would have been a brilliant move, to have norman remember the rape being his mother when in actuality it was him and would be a great means to spark the alter ego. But I rewatched that scene and I don't see any flashes of norman anywhere, hidden or fast, or any camera tricks…