
It is, and they do.

Obviously YMMV with age/intelligence, BUT I’d replace it with “Do you understand (me - optional)?” That way they acknowledge it and can learn to be held accountable.

I advocate for a healthy mix between the two depending on what you like. However, lets be clear about something, Cloud storage isn’t some magical, infinite, unbreachable void where your files dance with unicorns. The Cloud is just some one else’s server. Not everyone is comfortable with certain data being technically

This is written by someone who has never had to deal with Trust matters or anything more than basic loans. It’s not surprising people who don’t deal with the numbers think Sheets is even comparable. I use sheets to do my own budgeting, but anything more complex require Excel.

This is terrible advice.

Gotta hand it to ya. The post intro was AWSome.

Gotta hand it to ya. The post intro was AWSome.

In cases where the ride is identical, I’d almost trust the traveling ride over the fixed one. The traveling one has been torn apart and put back together a dozen times a year by “a guy named Rad,” which is probably the best opportunity for Rad to actually notice if something is awry. The fixed ride is probably being

Maybe some small , regional brand like “Blue Sky” has a pure cane sugar vanilla cola.

i can never find VCZ, especially in 2 liter bottles :( id drink the shit out of that stuff.

Next time you find one of those new “freestyle” coke fountains that can mix in additional flavors try coke zero with cherry. I can’t get enough of the stuff.

Yeah. Is sexism at play in the marketing? Probably. But that doesn’t negate the fact that they’re entirely different drinks.

Coke Zero is magnitudes better than Diet Coke.

many games have an arbitrary loading screen that plays for a set time/number of frames.

I don’t know how often it happens these days, but games that used to use loading animations (like a spinning logo in the corner or a loading bar) needed to finish those animations before moving forward to the next area regardless of whether or not the information had been loaded; well designed games would speed the

Most games lock their main() loop to the frame rate, mainly because that’s the easiest way to do things, and most of the math used in games is generic enough to just plug in the number of milliseconds since the last run of the loop. Every run through the loop you do all of the physics, AI, etc., and once that has all

You are assuming things are coded in a perfect vacuum with no weird quirks.

it doesn’t change the load time, correct.It does change how quickly the game can transition from a load-screen to gameplay, by a factor of 2.4 to be exact. And if a game has a lot of load screens that adds up.

I think they’re aware that many if not most games would be absolutely AWFUL on a phone, lacking any physical buttons for control. Software controls are not an acceptable substitute - I’ve tried them many times.

Hmm. So I used to drink at least 2 Mt. Dews a day, sometimes more. I weighed about 260 lbs. One day I woke up and realized this was a bad habit. I completely cut out Mt. Dew and switched to Diet Mt. Dew. It was a tough switch but I have not had a regular Mt. Dew since. I lost 20 lbs in about 3 months and that

Don’t eat COFFEE ice cream before bed.