
If they’re willing to do this to such a large chunk of their existing userbase, it makes me wonder about their long-term dependability. I certainly wouldn’t use their small business plan after a move like this; I’d be stuck with a lingering concern they might pull a similar stunt in a few short years and move to an

(Use this time to cook some other component of your meal, or maybe watch a rerun of The Office.)

I’m sure a large part of their plan is people not actually remembering to use it. Sure, some folks will go as often as they can, but how many will subscribe at ten bucks a month and then go see three movies a year?

I’m surprised and disappointed there isn’t any popular, successful, cross-platform HyperCard clones out there. It really was positioned in that sweet spot between simplicity and power. Most attempts at cloning it are either full-on programming IDEs, which kinda defeats the purpose, and simple presentation software a

It’s really hard to go wrong with hard root beer or soda. Henry’s makes a decent variety, and I’m a big fan of Best Damn Root Beer (though if you like something less like Barq’s and more like A&W you might be better suited to Not Your Father’s Root Beer)

I do believe that’s why people do this in the first place. And I further believe most kids understand it this way already.

At minimum, I try to keep eggs, milk mushrooms, sausage, and bellpeppers in the fridge, and maybe some tater tots in the freezer. That right there is an always easy, always delicious meal that takes maybe a half hour to prepare. Scrambles up nicely. I usually start some tater tots on the stove (totally ignoring the

If I smell a SBD, should I speak up? What if it was me?

This is why I only use the ATM for withdrawals. I try to only do deposits with an actual teller.

Most likely they’ve tweaked the “natural flavors” component, and that’s it.

For reals. Vanilla Coke Zero in particular is easily my favorite soda. I don’t care much for high fructose corn syrup, and this is the only vanilla cola without it. But even the regular stuff, it’s in a whole different league from Diet Coke. One tastes like a pretty decent diet approximation of Coke, and the other

A day without omelets is a day not fully lived. I could eat them every meal for the rest of my life and not get tired of them.

I would never order a crunchy taco on purpose. If I want crunch, I’d rather get something with a more stable shell, like taco bell’s crunch wrap supreme. Or better yet, something not crunchy at all.

I’ve got two monitors. I would gladly put it on the left side of the right monitor (which is the iMac itself), right in the middle of the total content, but Apple won’t let me. So I have it on the far right with auto-hide, and DragThing on the left side of the right screen instead.

Some of us drink diet sodas because the corn syrup in the normal versions makes them all thick and goopy. I don’t enjoy drinking HFCS soda, and I do enjoy Coke Zero. Health? Meh, diet is no worse than the regular stuff.

Meaning changes a lot when you omit words.

I don’t have kids yet, but I *am* the favorite child. Might just be because I create the least drama.

I’ve never really understood what oil was best for what use cases. Does LH or Skillet have an article on that?

[insert long, impassioned rant about the glory of mustard greens that applies just as much go salad as it did to sandwiches here]