
Cory Booker?

OK...serious question...does Trump think Hillary was a USA dictator for the last 30 years? 

Harambe died for this...

What about the $5 VJ?

I like the flashback when young Ned turns back like he did the first time he thought he heard his name even though Bran did not call out to him this time. Shows the past is fixed and whatever happened stays.

There are some things you forgot, and these things may get you killed.

There was a 50/50 chance on hitting on a QB this year...Jeff Fisher loves these odds!

Tax credit only applies to the first 200,000 cars from that manufacturer though....

Even though it is not an AAA gets my vote for GOTY

If you say a racist name in an empty it racist?

You play the Game of Suspensions, you either lose or you lose

I get to see them on the Naval Academy graduation. They are pretty awesome. At one point I looked at the American flag on the property, saw an eagle, and smelled jet fuel. ‘MERICA!!!

Show is getting lazy. Either kill the hero or show the boobs you have not shown yet. I predict an Imp topless scene next year where he dies.

Holtby got speared in the face by a Ranger stick too and there was no call. Call nothing as long as it is consistent and no one team is abusing the “let them play” mentality

Not fair the NFC West has to play the NFC West again this year...

Someone is taking the whole "Million Dollar Slave" thing a little too far.

What was the "football move"...getting a concussion count?

Yet the Colts punt returner gets knocked out, lands on the ball and it squirts out but that IS a catch and down by contact.

Someone was not able to get past Martin? First for everything I guess...