
Yeah. The selfishness and resentment from people on this issue genuinely frightens me. There’s a shortsighted meanness to these position that also implies a resistance to fixing flawed system solely out of spite.

“I paid off my debt, so what do I get out the deal?!”
You get to live a life already free of student debt

While I agree that canceling all student debt with the stroke of a pen is an unworkable solution to a very real multivariate problem, I have to massively disagree with you about means testing. Means testing is an antiquated notion that often increases the costs of programs while offering insufficient and inefficient

This x 100. I’m not saying she should go through the entire year in a black veil, but less than two months is too short. Everyone is acting like her late husband met the man and approved, but that’s not actually what she said. She said he gave her permission to eventually find someone else, and she only met this dude

Never forget, when someone is obviously guilty as hell of something and they willingly plead incompetency, there is no doubt they absolutely meant to it.

I’m a returning student and very debt averse. Everyone is always like “Just pay with scholarships” but there are so few, and what is there is mostly “Write a 5 page essay for a scholarship that will pay for one text book“ or “This $10k grant is open to sons of executives who are members of This specific country club.”

no they wouldn’t.

Among the many ways this is such a cruel, unforced error, is that they aren’t even trying to negotiate the debt cancellation. It seems, from a read through Twitter, that plenty of people would find it acceptable if they eliminated the interest/lowered the interest on the loans.

I just stopped by to say that there shouldn’t be any interest charged on government backed student loans. Not now, not ever again. If we can’t have debt free university (like a civilized country) right away, the least we can do is only require students to pay down the principle. This would help a lot of people who are

Biden was never going to forgive any student loans. That was all made up bullshit. This is the guy who made it so you can’t discharge student loans in bankruptcy. In 2024, the Republican candidate won’t do it either. So nothing will happen with student loans for the next 7 years at least.

1) Most students are 16/17 when selecting colleges to apply to and request financial aid for.

At the very least they can keep federal student loan rates at zero. I continued to pay on mine (though I had to call them to resume payments, which was a pain in the ass) during the pandemic forgiveness period and it’s the first time I’ve ever been able to make significant progress paying them off. With no interest, I

Oh come on. The answer is: every dime earned by her or her publisher from the publication and film rights of the book Lucky should go to the victim.

I was the victim of an attempted sexual assault (I was able to fight him off) and “remembered” completely the wrong thing (I think I thought that he had a du rag and he didn’t—or the other way around). I was shocked when I saw the security footage (and thank God there was security footage). Eyewitness memories are

I understood completely that he wants a biological child. If her eggs are dead, it can’t be with hers. He is an only child and his bloodline ends with him. Many people still care about that, ya know?

Yeah, I agree that it sounds like a baby-on-the-way cover story.

I’m right there with you! Last week my son asked if I’d be able to help with childcare if his wife went back to work…my grandsons are 1 and 3 and I just don’t know about this! 

One of my favorite scenes is when Aunt Vi cast Nova out of the family. She deserved it.

This will definitely be going to the Supreme Court and getting a new trial because there’s no fucking way you can let the defense call the victims “looters” and “arsonists” when there’s no evidence they were looting or committing arson, but you won’t let the prosecutors call the victims “victims,” because we

One of the things I miss about my old salon was listening to all the main line parents talk about how much debt they were in to sustain the lifestyle that surrounded them. Being $200,000 in debt for a kid’s education before they are 18 (to make matters worse: this was in one of the top public school districts not just

these comments are strange. colorism is a very real issue. I don’t think anyone wants to lay the responsibility of colorism at the feet of light-skinned people of color (and yes, light-skinned people are still POC and this article says nothing to undermine that notion), but this article is trying to grapple with a