counter-point... but to go along with torch’s recommendation:
counter-point... but to go along with torch’s recommendation:
Where I’m at (MN) you can legally run a light on a motorcycle if the light has not changed “for an unreasonable amount of time.” You might want to see if your state has something similar.
I’d check your state law. At least in Texas your allowed to run red lights if your on a motorcycle and there’s no other traffic, for that exact reason.
For as enlightened as the guy in the video is about the subject, it is disappointing that he (at 55 secs in) highlights what he thinks is a camera, when instead it is an infrared sensor for the MIRT system (used for fire depts/police to turn the light green).
Oh, well. That’s the ships.
No, keep sending them.
Hey, Pittsburgh people: if any of you steal one of these Ubers, email us and tell us what it’s like at
Wait, the punishment is not being allowed *in* Levi’s Stadium? You sure you heard him right?
The thing that stands out the most is how many times the kid says hella. No one on the East Coast ever ever ever says that.
You know what’s funny is that you are putting the onus of starting a conversation solely on Mr. Beckham. Did it ever occur to you that Ms. Dunham could have simply started a conversation with Mr. Beckham rather than pretend that she could read his mind?
Per the people of tumblr:
He basically did roast her with this, because all she wants in this world is attention. And he refused to buy in. It’s absolutely glorious and I like him even more for this.
Seriously. He could have roasted her with this. But “I never want any problems with anybody in the world”? I want to be that kind when I grow up.
Yeah but there's a difference between not knowing someone and supposedly not having an interest in fucking them. Dunham assumed the latter.
I feel bad that OBJ was dragged into all of Lena Dunham’s unnecessary drama. He really seems like a sweet dude who just wants to live his life and enjoy his Instagram.
Why would he know her? Should he know her? 80% of America doesn't know her.
This is the perfect response for how much it’s gonna burn her attention-seeking ass up.