Courtney Aguilar

Can’t he just rev the engines really hard, and let it roll forward slowly?

Me too. Between January 2001 and January 2009 - the last time a Clinton was in the White House - the DJIA went from 3,400 to 10,600, U3 unemployment went from 7% to 4%, and, most amazingly, the Federal government deficit turned into a fairly huge surplus.

“This fuckin’ guy!” - Barrack Obama, probably.

God dammit. I read this entire fucking comment.

I hear pinwheels are on sale at Toys-R-Us

If they follow kinja deals, they can get some Anker products which are on sale 100% of the time, just an idea.

I want everyone to see the uncropped AP photo:

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

So’s a magic trick.

“Coughing prevention machine” <- Internet Gold

^^^ This. Most police models are designed to idle for hours without overheating precisely because they do this regularly.

I was literally setting money I didn’t have on fire in my garage.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

There should be things in place to prevent this by companies offering rider services. Like an interview, background check, and perhaps the industry needs regulations. Maybe something like these...

Diplomatic passports (issued to VIPs) are only good for five.

Diplomatic passports are 5

This is probably a mostly false account. The particulars likely happened (i.e., there was an argument on the plane that continued after the plane landed--he probably lost his temper, raising his voice in frustration/anger and may have even displayed physical dominance), but that it rose to the level of abuse is likely

Yep, this is pretty much the only circumstance I can ever see that I would 100%, unequivocally divorce my husband. I can’t see him ever cheating, but if he did we might be able to work through it. But not abuse.

I literally don’t want to know this. Please, as a fucking nation or whatever, let’s not sensationalize, thereby trivialize, child abuse or treat it like a weapon to be used for our entertainment as two celebrities spar with each other. These children and children like them are watching and reading and taking this in,