
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

This. I’ve got anger first, but then pity.

A lot of young idealistic people head into the inner cities with the idea that they can use reason, persuasion, and a demonstration of their own love of learning to get kids to take an interest in school. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t work. Most teachers get spit out after several years or, like this one, wind up

Yeah I’m right there with you but on the other hand boys will be boys, locker room talk, banter, only words & so on.

Oh my god my heart rate has been erratic on my fit bit recently too. But I’m pretty sure it’s an adderal combined with too much coffee baby. Follow me at @AdderalCaffeineFitBitBaby

One day, I’ll fly home in my google drone copter, inject my intake port with a revitalizing shot of Gatorade nanoparticles, check my wrist display to check in on my kids, who live in orbit around Venus, and plug my neckport into the entertainment box where Abram’s head, now attached to a synthetic body that shines

Beach better have my money

She looks fantastic! Also, regardless of what she does later, I am team #Brit4ever.

First they came for our dishware, and I did not speak out—

What’s next, photos of kids being born, because he’s an advocate for the college health center’s birthing rooms? After that, kindergarten graduation photos of him, the kid, and the “ex”?... Because, reasons..

Exactly. I can’t help but think that a lot of the really hateful commentary about her (and OF COURSE there are tons of issues with what she did, foremost being lying) comes from people who are pretty secure in their racial identities. I’ve seen so much racial essentialism - “You are what you are, period,” that I’m

I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?


She’s like a James Franco you can’t laugh at for some reason.

Geez. Sorry, that was not what I meant to convey at all. I was poking fun at MY plus-size pudge. Again, very sorry.

I keep wondering: who molested josh?

The best write up of the situation that I’ve read came from Cosmopolitan, titled, “The Duggar parents are not victims, they are perpetrators.”

“Our product sucks ass and costs too much” Somehow I think J. Crew would turn this into an ironically winning brand slogan.

Seriously! I hate shopping online (because I’m too lazy to send things back if they don’t fit, and also shipping to or in Canada is a nightmare compared to the States), and if I’m buying, say, a $200 blazer, I want to know how it looks BEFORE I pay for it. But now when you go into a store, it’s, like, fifteen pairs of

Um, so are babies. Their skull bones don't fuse for a good while after birth.