
You are so often on point, but this is some dumbass timing. No one literally believes that Pittsburgh has a uniform culture of altruism and mutual respect. And some of us (you and I included) are 100% that such “aspirational” accounts of our city are total bullshit. If you think that these stories are literal, or not

longest stretch of flag free football.

He also scored four touchdowns in one game!

If Dakota’s dress was floor length, it would be amazing. Its her ankle’s that are stressing me out:

Hot Take: Hiring her for those reasons was bad enough in the first place. NBC has realized they can do more by exploiting pretending to embrace progressive stances like #MeToo and #BLM.

This is what makes me queasy about you and considering not reading more of your reporting:

Please forgive me for saying this (because I’m honestly not looking to start any kind of war of words here) ... but I kind of feel like if Paramount HAD put Polanski’s name on it, and DID promote him as director, people would be all up in arms about that, too.

Have you (or the snarky commenter) read hd Shamed book or any of his work? He also has another podcast about porn performers and I’ve heard how he speakers about the people he met through that. I think the tone of this is way off. The message of both Shamed and his Psycopath book is empathy, understanding, and the

I’d like to visit the multiverse location where he IS listed on there and then read the Jezebel post complaining about that!

Yeah but if they’d mentioned him they’d be whining about that too. They left him out because they probably figured people would whine a little less if they didn’t mention him than if they did. I just can’t get up in arms about this. I mean, it’s a blurb to promote a movie they want to sell, do people honestly think

Clearly, Paramount thinks Rosemary’s Baby is a movie that shouldn’t just disappear because a rapist directed it

Remember when Jada Pinkett Smith put on 40 lbs because of Vicki Gunvalson

My nearly 50 YO self is saying “you should have stood up for yourself and not married him if you were not ready, mother be damned”.

Exactly. If there was something widely available to both genders that negated the size/strength advantage then gap would narrow to almost nothing.

Yep. If women killed men with the frequency that men kill women it would be a bigger global issue than climate change.

Exactly, do the suicide first, then if you are still feeling like a murder, fine. 

Personally, I think it’s brave of Megyn to admit she was born in 1927. It also explains a lot about her views. 

One of my spiritual advisors always told me, “when you meet the colorblind/hate-all-people-equally/both-sides clown on the road, punch out the colorblind/hate-all-people-equally/both-sides clown and embarrass the shit out of them.”

Not only did she do it, i wouldn’t even consider a sample. It’s a straight up cover! 

I wouldn't bother with this person. Shes already deleted replies that disagreed