
Girl Guides are part of WAGGS - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.  Not trying to be snarky just a proud Girl Scout who loves her GGGS sisters everywhere.

I do, and I doubt Beyonce would have been the make or break.

I agree that she could have done this earlier but tbh Beyonce wasn’t going to mean the difference between Ted or Beto winning.

that might cost her money

It’s an obituary.

I would be remiss in my duties as your Jerry-Netherland if I didn’t call attention to the great 1956 film “The Solid Gold Cadillac” that tells of a woman who holds a single share of stock, attends annual shareholder meetings and makes a spectacular nuisance of herself - thus revealing corporate corruption and finding

The story decision to make The New Republic into some kind of quasi-pacifist organization makes “sense” for one story-based reason: so that audiences can cheer on the plucky underdogs who have to fight against a faceless Empire First Order. But in terms of the ‘actual’ history of AGFFA, it made no dang sense, and it

There’s nothing new here for me, but it does show one of the main gripes I have with this new Disney Star Wars Canon: The New Republic would never call for a pacifist, non-military government -during wartime-. That doesn’t make any sense. The New Republic in the old Canon was just a good natured, but bureaucratic

As I said elsewhere, anyone NOT offended by that ad is already voting for Kemp

And people say that men aren’t damaged from these accusations!! The nerve of them....

Why do these articles always focus on the women he raped and the man he helped kill and not his college football career? So negative. 

Okay, but seeing as you weren’t the literal punchline to a joke on national television, and she was, it’s a good thing no one asked you.

Yeah, good reason to call out (with full name and photo) a thirteen-year old girl and pick on her (I’m sure in hopes that others will pick on her as well - and perhaps hunt down her own social media to do so) for having fun with a a Halloween costume. Very mature and nuanced approach to addressing the issue.

But Tracy needs to fulfill her outrage quota for the day, so...

100 Grand” or go home. Yeah, I said it!

It’s not that the idea is so original, but that the execution is flawless. The Ugg boots are a nice touch.  Crocks would have been better.

Meh - I think this is fine and pretty funny.

So the cops who were transferring the 2 women in cuffs when their vehicle was caught in floodwaters awhile back were also hit with a similar charge?

The two white dudes who essentially abandoned two women in a van to drown? Basically just got fired. Tell me again that this isn’t about skin color.

Kanye west is going through life like a 5 year old in a toy shop.