
Yeah he stopped trying long ago and was turning into a stereotypical woman hater by the end. I don’t think they’ve had a good gossip person since the days of starred and pink commenters. They need more juicy topics and people, not random internet people. There is more to the audience than just teenagers.

Yeah, lets crucify someone for what he tweeted when he was 12. That doesnt make anyone seem fucking irrational and insane...

I think kids that age can see that something is seen as wrong but not fully understand the depths of why. Many adults dont even understand that. I think the judgement should come when things are actually pointed out to them and how they go from there. I wouldnt hold an adult to what he or she said at 12 years old.

it was previously claimed that stress from the passing of Ariana’s ex, Mac Miller, prompted the breakup.

been to the place. it’s fine. they make hipster egg sandwiches for like 10 bucks a piece & $5 glasses of oj, so...

“...disgustingly beautiful women who could make a burlap sack look couture.”

It was p good, but I haven’t been ITCHING to go back, you know?

Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you. 

Her sobbing “No, YOU shut up” was the kicker.

Our heroes are back to fighting the system and not being the pawns of it. With that one move in this episode they have captured some of the magic that was missing when the series became earthbound. I didn’t think the last two episodes were excellent, but they were not really The Good Place.

The fact that the

Avril died in 2003

I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE! 

oh good lord... not a born again... those are the worst

That line of thinking only works if you’re more concerned with being right now rather than being right in the future. Kids in prison-like conditions don’t give a fuck about some “both sides suck” losers who are content to stay at home or write in their lone favorites when doing so resulted in their siblings being

What is it about the fans that demand that the reviewer mirror their own opinion?

Never let a wealthy person dissuade you from voting. I don't care who it is. Nick Cannon was on that same bullshit a couple years ago telling Black folks not to vote while wearing a turban and black leather jacket in July. 

I was kind of hoping that she would have said, “Chevy, of course.” 

One of the funniest and most underrated cast members SNL has ever had. I’ve never seen a moment of her work that didn’t impress me.

Nah, there’s only one audience: people with brains broken enough to think that Chuck Lorre has made a good TV show since Grace Under Fire.