
She likes the guy and he likes her, so what? She answered a question posed at an interview about an innocuous gesture at a public event.

It’s not like being a dick to him would be remotely productive.

It’s actually just an article in which you try to establish trust so you can get paid on a mildly interesting and purposefully divisive topic...

As others have mentioned, your lame “(yes we didn’t chose your favorite cookie; no, we didn’t do it on purpose)” disclaimer is not nearly enough explanation for why there is only one Soft cookie selection. And everyone with whom I spend my time who has been alive that long has know since the 80s that Keebler Soft

-One- soft cookie? I understand not being able to get every bag off the shelf but this is too much.  I demand a soft chocolate chip cookie face off!

Bobby left. Jasmine is doing great.

The church needs a good overhaul to make me ever go back to it. The congregation and the pulpit is full of right wing hypocrites. But I will acknowledge that ANY movement to the left has come because of him. However slow and plodding the movement. And any changes he has tried to make in regards to LGBTQ community (or

Politics Corner is making a temporary departure from all the happy news I usually cover, to discuss the story of Jamal Khashoggi. This legal US resident, working for the failing Washington Post (enemy of the people folks, everybody knows it) fled Saudi Arabia for his own safety. Criticizing the Saudi government can be

You didn’t actually read the article, did you?

Personally, I was surprised by how many commenters on previous coverage here didn’t seem to get this. To me, Knightley in no way seemed to be criticizing Kate, and I could not see how people made the leap to come to the conclusion that she was. My interpretation of her essay was, and continues to be, that society’s

lol, wut

Thank you for this. When it was first mentioned, it was on Dirt Bag and it shouldn’t have been. 

It was a running gag on SNL in the 90s. During Weekend Update, Tim Meadows played Ike Turner and would flip out on Kevin Nealon or attempt to bully him into doing something. Like, they would re-enact the “Eat the cake” moment from What’s Love Got to Do With it.

jfc and she/their abusive relationship was the punchline to so many jokes. imagine going through all that trauma and people on tv constantly making jokes about it. ffs.

Love the “what would this add to the story?” argument! Like, wouldn’t season 2 of Buffy be better if they never told you Buffy and Angel were dating? Wouldn’t Mr & Mrs Smith be a more fun movie if it was called Mr Smith & Ms Jones Who Are Not In A Relationship? Don’t you hate stories about Batman and Catwoman or

You: I think this person is hilarious, and also I like most of their politics, but they also have a brother who doesn’t like unions, so you can see the pickle I’m in.

Why is she responsible for her brother’s company one she has no affiliation with whatsoever? Do you have any siblings. I would rather be fed to piranhas than held responsible for my siblings actions or politics. All you can do is control yourself.

2:18 p.m.: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

I’ll ask one more time... It just makes zero sense. Why is Starfire dressed like a 1970's New York hooker? Complete with terrible wig? Just ...why?

If she is following the dress code, and there have been no complaints by customers or other staff, then this seems like something that might not really be an issue?  There are just too many variables here to give a good answer that a lawyer would approve, as well as too many unknowns.