
I actually preferred the less drama-filled Chandler-Monica relationship.

Fuck Theresa May and her fucking Brexit. 

I like the aesthetic they went for with Ledger’s, like he put it on a week ago and never took it off.

One of the things that creeped me out (in a good way) about Heath Ledger’s Joker was the fact that he used actual paint. Not to dismiss the classic Joker, but the accident that bleaches his skin feels like it justifies/causes/triggers his madness, while the choice to use paint makes it an expression of the madness

He looks suitably creepy, but the Joker doesn't need his own movie, let alone an origin story.


Even if you think Buruma is wrong and deserving on some punitive action for publishing what he did, does he deserves to share the same fate as Gomeshi, who stands accused by 20-something women of sexual assault?

It is illegal in Massachusetts to record a telephone call or a conversation with another person unless you first obtain their consent to do so. Wiretapping laws vary from state to state. ... The Massachusetts two-party consent law makes it a crime to secretly record a conversation.’

Some years ago, I worked at a company that made a relatively small geographic move to a new building, one that put us in a new city. A few months after the move, I looked around and noticed that there were suddenly significantly more people of color in the office, as well as our first wheelchair-mobile employee (the

I think that’s why we didn’t do as well at the box office as we should have, because it’s a fun, summer movie.

I’m fairly certain if she served him with divorce papers she will be dead pretty much immediately. If she didn’t know that before, she surely does now. 

Yes, she was.

Oh, the U.S. has the same attitude towards native women, absolutely. Pretty much anyone who isn’t white, really, with a few exceptions for adhering to white supremacist thought. 

Bet she was Native. I don’t know about the States, but in Canada we don’t treat indigenous women like people. I can’t imagine Alaska being much different.

jfc I feel so bad for the victim in this. Not only was she assaulted, humiliated, and made to believe she was going to die but then the legal system basically goes ‘lol it’s no biggie he seems like a good guy’.

I like to believe these answers are made up by what the author thinks these celebs would say. 

So we have the Federer opinion, but I'm holding out for the Federest opinion.

Yeah, I can’t stand Ghomeshi, couldn’t believe it when he got acquitted because he shouldn’t be allowed near women for the rest of his life. But I still don’t agree that Buruma should lose his job (whether he was pressured into resigning or got fired) over his decision to publish this. 


Forcing mind altering drugs on an animal is cruel.