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Check out this clip of her appearance on Who Do You Think You Are? You can find more there.

What if cabbage guy never got his cart overturned?


Iā€™ve seen the first season finale 4 times and Colman has made me cry 4 times. Sheā€™s the shit.

They do fancy themselves smart and they are smarting circles around one another finding reasons to oppose the casting that are not 1) ā€œHow am I, a male without tits, supposed to make believe Iā€™m Doctor Who when Doctor Who has tits?ā€ or 2) ā€œBoys wonā€™t kiss me if they think Iā€™m a feminist so Iā€™m going to convince myselfā€¦

I mean, Wonder Woman is a gendered character and Doctor Who is not, but whatā€™s to stop logic from anyone expressing an opinion right?

Yeah, this seems pointless.

Honestly, Iā€™d be excited for a live-action show set in that universe that told new stories. The live-action adventures of Avatar Roku or Avatar Kyoshi (or something set after Korra)? That could be absolutely thrilling.

But these seems like something that no one wants.

I donā€™t understand the point. Is it a live-action shot-for-shot remake? Same stories, same characters, same plotlines? We already know how that story ends.

We as fans have no ownership over any aspect of the thing we enjoy.

Last time I checked Doctor or Who were non-gendered words... I thought Doctor Who fans fancied themselves smart, youā€™d think theyā€™d have figured that out by now.

My husband doesnā€™t particularly like ā€œThe Crownā€, but he has a thing for Olivia Coleman so heā€™s actually excited for the new season. I am lucky heā€™s into frizzy-haired funny women.

Thereā€™s never been any reason why the Doctor couldnā€™t be a woman that Iā€™ve ever heard. Thereā€™s never been any statement made that the people of Gallifrey are stuck in any gender when they regenerate,Ā and itā€™s already happened with the character of the Master/Missy during Capaldiā€™s rein. Also, alien and fictional. So,ā€¦

Can you?

I will just say that my gf and I are excited for Doctor Who for the first time in many, many, many years.

How does this entire article about the Emmys, diversity, and ā€œThe Marvelous Mrs Maiselā€ not use the word JewishĀ even once???

If you think thereā€™s no ā€œsqualor or filthā€ in Mrs. Maisel, you must have watched a different show than I did. Thatā€™s certainly not the focus of the show, but I donā€™t think itā€™s been excised from their version of New York, either. The Gaslight is routinely portrayed as a disgusting pit, with foul bathrooms including aā€¦

And yet, somehow, the white nonsense that is Game of Thrones gets the Jez seal of approval. What is up with that Megan?Ā 

I agree in a sense about the charge of nostalgia, but what this critique fails to acknowledge is that this is the first story about a Jewish woman and Jewish family that has not relied on stereotypes or cheap laughs. This is sherman palladinos first true success, because the humor, references and dialogue are allā€¦

Oh no...a show that is actually funny won Best Comedy! Something is seriously wrong here.

Just when you thought Jimmy and Kim would end with a whimper . . .