
Or is Cate Blanchett actually just tall?

Jesus you guys are pumping these our fast!

Why? I believe it happened, but everyone knows that it won’t affect the outcome for Kavanaugh and it will make the victim’s life a nightmare once her identity is leaked. What possible outcome could they be hoping for?

I feel sorry for people who don’t understand that sometimes people have responsibilities that don’t allow them to be completely unavailable for emergencies for even the length of a dinner.

Has anyone heard the Morgan Murphy bit about this movie?  “Why didn’t she just shit on the floor?”

Fun fact: that was the same mustache that worked with Henry Cavill in Mission: Impossible Fallout.

“who’s the most likely? Ed (played by Jay Pritchett), the grandfather”

This show isn’t really that kind of show though and isn’t it the last season? I’m calling it now it’s the dog.

Unless the police that arrested her happen to be big fans of pop-country one hit wonders that haven’t been relevant in about 15 years except for that one time Sarah Palin said she liked her music in 2008, I really doubt that Gretchen Wilson was being targeted for her fame. You might just be an asshole girl. :/

yeah, i’m sure the person who died without their emergency surgeon won’t mind at all

I mean, if this guy is a doctor on call then he can’t exactly say, “lolz sorry I couldn’t take your call, I was unavailable at a restaurant.”

My apologies if this has already been brought up in these columns, but I’ve always felt that There’s Something about Mary was that start of the end for Rom-Coms. Not because it was bad, I actually love the movie, but rather that it felt like Hollywood drew all the wrong conclusions about what made it so good and

I also want actual leftists in power, but if she were a republican would people be calling it “issues with telling the entire truth?” Or would they just call it what it is: lying to win an election?

I want my five minutes back.

The good news is, 6 out of 9 of the renegade State Senate Dems who vote with the Republicans lost to primary challengers from the left tonight!

The perfect evil!

Gaiman is a first class collaborator, a very good short story writer, and a mediocre novelist.


I ditched Black-ish after the Chris Brown stunt casting episode, but fuck ABC. There is no such thing as being too anti-Trump.