
Katherine McPhee is a pretty singer with a voice designed for syrupy power ballads who is not distinctive enough to really make anything happen on her own.

Then you haven’t been paying attention.

I don’t normally like to write a bad review, but I’ve been going to this Chinese takeout for ten years now and for some reason they always have to ask me if I want duck sauce or soy sauce. They should know me by now, I’ve been going to this restaurant once a month for 10 years. Usually when I say duck sauce, they

Read “PMT’s” mini-bio in the IMdB. Actors are rarely known for their humility, but dude’s publicity machine was cranked up to Spinal Tap levels of intensity for his submission.

I regret that I’ve promoted some of his theories on here. His language is so misogynistic. His correct blind about Lindsay and Paris was insane and that’s what got me interested in his blog originally. It’s so weird to me that Paris is still pinching at Lindsay all these years later, but when I’m reminded of the power

They totally publish fantasies and other lies from obsessive fans and trolls. I know this because I tried it out myself. Made up a plausible sounding rumour, sent it in, it got published with embellishments the same day. Pick your least favourite celeb and give it a try, it’s fun!

If the service sucked, by all means write a Yelp review.

On the other hand, if you went to a restaurant and the service was awesome... write a Yelp review too. 

It’s pretty juicy and binge-worthy reading, but I’d say 90% of it is completely made up. The commenters are also almost all misogynistic conspiracy theorists. I used to read it all the time but have mostly stopped at this point.

Just... no.

This is my hangover bagel.

Now playing

...pretty sure Bradley Cooper is engaged to Amy Schumer.

The thing I find most amazing is that as a Republican running for office in Texas, he doesn’t have to be widely-admired or have universal appeal — as long as he is tolerated by the GOP voting base, he can win Senate elections for as long as he wants. And he can’t even get that right!

I would LOVE IT if Kavanaugh got disbarred for his perjury, and then we would have to watch as Republican Senators tried to convince the nation that it’s OK to have an unlicensed attorney as a Supreme Court Justice.

Ted Cruz is a vacuum/black hole of charisma. Everything he does seems off putting. Its like if an alien species created him from what their limited understanding of what a politician was from old tv signals and trying to pass him off as a real person. I’m not saying Ted Cruz is an extraterrestrial sleeper agent sent

Clearly Cruz aimed to be the stereotypical 1950s dad who is uninvolved with his kids except for corporal punishment. Unfortunately for Ted, that’s incompatible with today’s expectations where dads are supposed to do more than smoke a cigar in the waiting room.

The thing that drives me crazy is that he clings to the illusion that we all can’t tell he is balding. And it’s all because he has tried to engineer his entire life down to running for president. He knows that Eisenhower was the last bald president we elected, and he just can’t let it go

Re lizard people: One of the biggest (and best) conspiracy theories out there is that Queen Elizabeth is half-lizard person. There’s no way Liz and Creepy Cruz the Zodiac Killer are related, so unfortunately I’ll need you to retract your allegations forthwith.

I’m always shocked at how many people swear up and down that Courtney Love murdered him. I recently found out that my co-worker, who is generally sane and not at all conspiracy theory person, is very firmly convinced.

his entire family just blends into that beige sofa

Every Texas Republican will vote the party line. The only way Beto could win is if Democratic voters turn out in record numbers.