
His own self own about going by a nickname when he accused Beto of trying to trick voters was a choice moment.

He comes off like a robot trying way too hard to convince people he's not a robot. Turing test fail. 

His daughters pure disdain for him will always warm my heart.

I fully remember the Cobain fallout: here in Seattle there’s a troll who ran a show on public access for YEARS called Kurt Cobain Was Murdered. He makes Alex Jones seem like a pinnacle of reason and thoughtfulness.

Looks like egot himself a lot of trophies on his shelves.

Oh, you mean his “suicide”? Because it is totally his widow’s fault but also something something he knew too much about Bennington’s “suicide” which was something something everyone in Hollywood is abusing kids or knows about the abuse but says nothing. /s

The umpire was a dick, but he’s a pretty consistent dick (to the great men’s players as well), and Serena came back to yell at him about the same issue 3 separate times before calling out the tournament umpire and WTA ref. What was she hoping to gain? If a basketball or football player went off on a ref because of an

Yeah, there’s a hint of “Fix my veil but don’t you fucking touch me, asshole” in there.

They definitely dont love each other like I want them to love each other, but it’s nice to have dreams, no?

As a former Floridian for over 46 years, this does not surprise me. Anytime I drove outside the blue-ish major metropolitan areas and college towns I was nervous. There has always been a part of the state that embraces diversity and one that feels threatened by it. It used to be in this country that even a hit of

Listen, I know that Bradley Cooper is with Irina Shayk, a very tall and beautiful Russian model ...

Yeah, I don’t think he likes her that way.

As a born and raised Floridian, I can sadly say this information will only help him.

Im skeptical about Cruz losing. Looking at the Governors race, Abbot is still double digits ahead of Valdez, and these days I dont think that many people split their ballots.

There seems to be some kind of strap across the top. I can’t tell what it’s made of, and this article isn’t in English.

Real men have large enough hands to grab six cans at once.

Cigar City still uses the old rings.

Same here. Except two hearted. They’re in 4 pack cartons.

Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a

Yeah, I think the author of this post is confused. She won Best Actress legitimately. The only thing she said was that she was holding her “Best Actress” win card when they announced Best Picture, so she didn’t buy Warren Beatty’s excuse that he was given a card with the wrong winner on it (Beatty said the card read