
(The only even slightly juicy thing I can think of about her is how shocked she looked when Moonlight won Best Picture at the Oscars two years ago and how reluctant she looked to relinquish her trophy.)

I don’t know if calling her time with sex workers a “dark time” that she doesn’t do anymore - I don’t know if that description disparages sex work necessarily. Saying you were having a dark time and seeing a therapist doesn’t disparage therapy work. Sexual healing is still healing. If people want to see a sex worker

Just point me to the one that shows me where the cheapest boxes of my favorite wine are, thanks. 

also, since @Mortal Dictata asked an “honest” question but keeps dismissing my honest answer:

While I agree with Bobby’s article, the early aughts were even more obsessed with virginity. We NEEDED our pop stars (Britney, Jessica, Christina, Mandy, Hillary) to be virgins. How many articles were written speculating about when/where/who with that oh so precious v-card was lost to.

And the very idea that no one in the black community does anything about “black on black violence” is pure BS.


get mad, if a police officer kills one of us, and we don’t say anything when 100 of us are killed by us that something is wrong with that”

Such betrayal. As long as the funeral was it was really inspiring up until Jasper got up there. I lot of my friends were talking about how we missed Church, specifically the Black church experience (from the singing, fashion and theatrics). However, once the “good” reverend starting spewing we quickly remembered why

Hahahhaaha! You kidding? They don’t care.

Cliff and Claire tried to warn Elvin not to quit medical school to open that wilderness store.

You knowingly stole from them, jeopardizing someone else’s employment.

Right - because clearly this is something they do intentionally on a regular basis.

And I’m a normal person who realizes people can make mistakes - and who can also be gracious, understanding, and forgiving when people apologize for mistakes they make. Of course, you are free to be nothing but unforgiving if that is what you choose.

Settle down. Somebody made a mistake...well, a couple related mistakes. If you’re really pissed, complain to someone there about it. But going full boycott is a wild overreaction to an employee being briefly stupid, resulting in no real damage.

That Ariana grande story is oh wait I jus …. Bwarraaaaaagh (puke,puke ) I mean the description of the , oh excuse me I ..... ugh, ugh bwwhaaaaaagh (puke, puke ,long puke dribble) im done im done. These two should just Barfwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagngahhbab, sorry have to go now !!! , grab my jacket when you leave

And also SUPER EXPENSIVE pseudoscience! I’m a girl who’s likes a little essential oil diffuser action from time to time, I have a Himalayan salt lamp, shit like that. Those lamps make great night lights, diffusers fucking smell good and make me feel like I’m in a bougie spa. But thousand dollar colonics and cleanses

Looks like I triggered a Berner. LOL!

This schedule is bananas!!! Bill Clinton has never spoken for only 5 minutes in his life and he’s on the JV team of gasbags speaking. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get 9 & 5 minutes to speak? Puh-leeze!! This thing could last a couple of days.

Wayans being a prima doesn’t excuse Crawford being a dick to the rest of the crew, however.  Sounds like they were both problematic and Fox decided to get rid of the louder problem.