
Seriously, that a Republican who is not scandal-plagued is in an actual dog-fight for a Senate seat tells you all you really know about how much Ted Cruz fucking sucks and how much lightning Beto has captured in a bottle.

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

Was Ansari ever really shunned though? As far as I know, his show wasn’t cancelled and there seemed to be a general consensus that the Babe article was shitty journalism and that what was described in it hardly rose to the level of #metoo worthy outrage, and that we needed to have a conversation about how he acted

I thought you meant Prince Phillip was your boyfriend and I was totally thrown. Thank God you just meant his rapist, sadist character!

I can't really be happy about this. It's a pathetic end to a wonderful character, all thanks to Roseanne Barr's vileness. And I guarantee she still doesn't believe she's to blame for it.

Ben and Jen have Kardashain level leaks in their camp(s). 

Who cares about the dog.

I've seen Katherine Heigl in Yorkville a few times. Her skin is FLAWLESS

I have a pool and this is a great idea, but i dont know how my insurance company would feel about it... i guess my premium would go up...

lordy. the naivete here is amazing.

Gosh, I’d like to know who feeds the press all those information about Jennifer Garner and “her immense and unyielding patience”? Who informed the paps beforehand, when to watch out for pics of Garner driving Affleck to rehab? Who told the media about the intervention? Whose public image will benefit the most from

“a Portland, Oregon-based artist”

Really? That’s your reaction after reading this?

And that’s just the Trump supporters.

The Norton movie played it a lot safer than Ang Lee’s. And as a result, it was as flavorless as week-old chewing gum. Sure, it avoided the laugh-out-loud ridiculous stuff like the Hulkdogs and Nolte’s [literal!] scenery-chewing ... but it also lacked the earlier movie’s emotional intelligence and crazed verve. For all

The color in Lee’s Hulk was part of the bad choices they made trying to add science to a science fiction story. In Lee’s Hulk, the scientific research (shown in glimpses during the credits and flashbacks) included dealing with healing wounds and limb regeneration, which (instead of the Spider-Man comic’s focus on

She... has never claimed to be a socialist before, so I’m not clear on the expectation of her to do so now. She’s always been a capitalist and a pragmatist, and I don’t think she’s going to give up her long-held beliefs to go socialist now just because the label’s currently having a fashionable moment. I’d advise

Yep. Even if these reporters could independently confirm solidly enough to publish about this, they’d have been hogpiled for “embarrassing” the president and Pat, “revealing a private family matter,” and so on. Nobody would have seriously considered it something important as far as political reportage.

Yeah, I get martyr/control freak vibes from her. She probably gets a lot of gratification from the media and everyone else thinking she’s a saint. Co-dependent for sure.