
More importantly, how was the food?

You arent wrong. But she really turned out to be one of the more consistently succesful castmembers. Not close to being up there with the most successfull but shes done very well for herself. (Emphasis on consistent. Lots had higher highs but shes really managed to stay in the game.)

I’m guessing she’s making money from every episode in any case.

Popeyes always takes forever whether you are inside or outside.

As much as I miss it sometimes, this is example why Gawker deserved to go down.

Yeah there is truth to that. I have a church (very liberal) I really like. And I enjoy the community. But most Sundays Id rather be in bed or go to the gym or get brunch.

Bobby left.

It was rescued by NBC.

I can’t believe how many writers don’t know how to write a couple as being a couple

I stopped using WW about a decade ago (woah does time fly) but when I did the best part was the forums and the community. Lots of tips about things you wouldn’t always think of (like work clothing when you are between weights.) So, I definitely think boosting their social media aspect is smart unlike almost every

Oh, boy, could that quote have gone either way!!

thinking of u during this difficult time

It definitely was terrible. But terrible movies do well at the box office all of the time. So, the politics of it could also have played a part.

This baggage woman is a horrible person. But recording without consent is illegal in Massachusetts. It’s a two party consent state.

Gosh, I’m so happy this physical and sexual assault put him on such a great journey of self-discovery. He’s arisen from this ordeal a better man! And that’s the most important thing.

Personal essays almost always have factual inaccuracies and are published in major publications. It wasn’t produced as an objective truth. It was very much labelled as a subjective personal reflection.

I agree with the point that intent doesn’t necessarily matter. But they absolutely knew what they were doing.

Its not like I wouldnt think this was racist anyway. But that cartoon was the very first thing I thought of.

And it’s funny that you are taking this position since you cried so much about persecution when a large number of commenters understandably wanted you gone.

They invited her back less than a year ago after she was ousted from her position at Vice for abuse.