
Yet to see them give a free-reign article to a domestic abuser to claim he’s been unfairly persecuted as a piece of shit though.

If publish poor quality is enough to get fired then every EIC of Jezebel would have been sacked.

The article was genuinely bad from a quality standpoint and had no real value to be published. But if he was fired or asked to resign over that alone that is ridiculous. Its a dangerous precdent to start firing people for push back on misguided articles. Next time the push back could easily be coming from the other

I sincerely doubt that is the case. This will be heavily marketed toward people who watched the original.

Doctor Who hasnt aired yet. What are you talking about?

How so?

And now the alien is trying something new. And I love that you put alien in quotes. You have no idea what the show is about. You just want to go off on a woman getting a job playing a non-gendered alien.

So the fact that Dr Who was conceived as a man has nothing to do with it?

And even if they went the other way and changed some major plot points that is also pretty pointless. So it’s an alternative history? Why do I need that?

I finally caught up on Broadchurch (and kind of hated the actual storyline it was not a well-crafted mystery) but man was the acting out of this world. Both she and (to a greater extent) Olivia Coleman are absolutely genius and I am so excited for both of their takes on roles formally occupied by other people soon.

I mostly agree. But Joels family does rely on Jewish stereotypes for laughs, to an extent. Midge’s family are all fully realized human beings who are very jewish but not falling into easy stereotypes. Other jewish characters not so much.

Eh, I didn’t think The New Adventures of Old Christine was particularly Jewish.

Nobody in that circle of society expects women to be intelligent and interesting though.

Rachel Brosnhan absolutely deserved to win. The whole show would have fallen to pieces with a lesser actress in that role. People talking about her as if she were so amazing (like reminding Joel he scored way out of his league and would never find another girl like her) would have been eye roll inducing with pretty

This doesn’t bother me. But the way Jay-Z pursued Beyonce at the time was kind of predatory. She was the best and he wanted the best.

Its 9/11. The Iraq War was just an extension of the mania caused by 9/11.

I HATE Sleepless in Seattle. HATE. But there is no denying that it has classic status at this point.

That week old movie has done insanely well at the box-office and already has a sequel though.

No way! Say what you want about Heigle as a person but 28 Dresses is better than any Hudson rom-com. And she isnt awful to anyone in that.

You do realize that in Hollywood you don’t get fired for being mean to the “little” people.
But, regardless, you have ZERO evidence for that accusation. On Star Trek it was his successors who were abusive. No one has ever made those claims about him.