
Your loss. Venison is delicious.

Just picked up distribution rights. Definitely didn’t fund.


I doubt Melania knows anything. It doesn’t make her not complicit. But I doubt he confides in her.

All of those things are amazing.

When are dildos ever out of work?

The $8 million was a LOAN. That isn’t child support. You don’t have to repay child support.

So... she didnt get any job offeres.

People cant just press charges. This isnt a television show.

As far as my friend goes, there was nothing that would warrant never watching her on screen again or anything. She was just a demanding and unpleasant person. If we boycotted all of those people we’d be stuck just watching Sliders and Ugly Betty.

Someone I know is a PA in LA who knows both him and Rebecca Romijn and she says they were the absolute nicest people she ever met. Not just nicest celebrity. Just really kind welcoming people.

Just because you didn’t intend to beat the shit out of someone doesn’t mean it’s OK to beat the shit out of them. He admitted it. She never denied he was drunk when it happened so she was always consistent about his may not having intended to do it but that he was in a drunken rage.

You people never dig any deeper than someone’s word, do you?

You really think producers are monitoring the hiring of STAND INS and lighting?

It was. But when this was written centuries ago things like long-term detention weren’t viable most of the time. (It’s shocking how relatively recent prison is.) Things like dungeons weren’t meant to be long-term.

No, if he were a direct caregiver hed be paying for all that stuff as a matter of course.

I always felt like the court should have a maximum of sorts,

He turned the GOTG into a watered down Farscape movie. People who think it was great didn’t watch Farscape and dont know how much he just copied. And even if you think the first one was good no way can you seriously suggest there was merit to the second.

If you were friends with Charlie Sheen in real life we’d be texting you that.

and if they aren’t that is the fault of their caregivers.