
He sold his residual right for the (relatively) low lump sum of $27 million. His ex, Brooke Mueller, claims he specifically did that to pay less in child support.

The public is mistaken, people, including children, have never been safer from gun violence.

Well, at least we might finally get a good Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Also the fact that no one is talking about how these tweets didnt come to light but were part of a targeted campaign started by conservatives who hate Gunns stance against Trump is appalling.

None of those men faced long-term repercussions based on vague accusations.

LOL no. Name one person taken down permanently by “vague” accusations.

And where are the Anna Wintour blind items?

Had there been stories about Les Moonves that the public was aware of before last Friday?

I mean I get this is a (failed) joke but she means her dad was the guy who made the pancakes. Not anything other than her dad.

Not that Ivanka and Jared were ever remotely qualified to advise the President but does he have ANY advisors he trusts left? Kelly has a foot out the door. He began undermining Bolton the second he was in office. He’s at war with his own DOJ.

No, I think they go together November 2017.

She deserved to be fired!!

Online estimates say he is worth more than her (concerning wealth not in any other measure) and in the US he is more established.

The medics dispute this claim, saying that Black volunteered to take her daughter to the hospital.

Didn’t Joe Jonas and Sansa Stark get engaged after like a minute too? But they don’t show any sign of getting married.

Dude, I am all for a chain but Chesecake Factory food is really terrible.

Amway is way bigger than Avon and Mary Kay worldwide profit wise.

them make their claims sound very plausible because they only list the evidence they found confirming their theories,

And you would let that other person buy VERY expensive real estate holdings in the most coveted areas of Rome and Tuscany for their own enjoyment with your money?