
I thought the most compelling evidence was that she was a (woman) translator whose pay from publishers increased exponentially as Ferrante’s success increased.(And whose name is easily googleable.)

These are her current co-workers. And they are fine with it. Who is your comment directed at?

They didnt really get Clinton. Sure, they impeached and put a dent in his presidency. But if he could have run again he would have won.

I didn’t get any colds at all this year and I didn’t use fish oil at all.

Yes, thank you for explaining to me what I already know, considering I was an opiate/heroin user for over a decade.

But why did you get sick at all?

Nothing. Unless there is some sort of allergic reaction (which is fairly rare.) And, obviously, the allergy would still be an issue if there was an OD on an opioid but treating an allergic reaction is usually easier than treating death.

Thats really an absurdly narrow take. He was exactly the type of dimwit who thought he is an intellect she has written about in both genders. That he has a different rank is completely beside the point.

Austen is on the record as disliking the Prince Regent; she once wrote in a letter about his wife: “Poor woman, I shall support her as long as I can, because she is a Woman, & because I hate her husband.”

I mean, at least he seems vaguely good-natured? I’m a fan of the theory that he’s literally a Golden Retriever that was transformed into a human.

Fuck you that was perfect.

Part of it is that most of them aren’t being offered big cushy gigs elsewhere. The White House is usually a stepping stone to pretty great post-WH job opportunities.

I genuinely do not believe that you are rewarding the people who agree to take on admin work over people who make it so they get to do all your programming updates.

Hard agree! He definitely has charisma. But not great actor should come off as trying so hard.

And as unprofessional as he was, you can’t argue with the work.

And as unprofessional as he was, you can’t argue with the work.

basically the Carl Reiners and Mel Brooks-es of the future,

You are right on that front!

1) Most people are raising antitrust concerns.

Yeah, I took the line above to mean that Albus has not yet met Grindelwald (which is wrong storywise), but it is more likely that he was saying that they have not yet met in the film series timeframe.