
and had no diseases.

e have been mostly carnivorous for at least 2.5 million years

It’s really all contracts and strategy.

Absolutely! I’m not mad about it I’m just really surprised.


Its 2018 and both Alexis Bledel and Darren Criss (the absolute worst actors of their respective teen shows) have Emmy nominations. I would never have predicted this. 

Right so an even more fractured left can eat itself while women and minorities get screwed.

After last season its a mockery that GOT was even nominated.


Hes running as a third party candidate now. Feel free to vote for him.


Well, normally Kathleen Kennedy wouldn’t obviously. But she was so moved by my story that she wanted to reach out personally! I know it’s not typical but I’m the exception! Because I am exceptional.

I didn’t even know George Michael was a superhero.

And many of their best ales.

a goal and play defense / keep-away for the remainder of the game.

They give a LOT of money to chairty though.

Hes dead. And these children have a very high chance of dying. THat’s the point of the story.

That Whitney was bi and in a relationship with Robyn Crawford at some point shouldn’t even be a question any longer. Bobby Brown has said it. Her mother hinted at it (disapprovingly) in her interview with Oprah. It’s clearly part of what bothers her brother. And was never even much of a secret from the start.

Not really. Crack is just a much faster high. It both comes quicker and lasts less long.

Hes not a victim. He made a choice.