Count Velcro

In both the cooking biz and the car biz I know of a lovely response to that.

I thought Michael Bay already did that.

Shut up. Shut up this instant.

OMG yes! There was this couple that took to lurking at a bar in Nashville where I worked. One of the waitresses and our barback were dating. They were both very good-looking (she was a former model).

great. Even my nipples retracted at that thought.

Book of Ruth. With lesbian weddings and everything.

While I applaud your intent, I feel I must point out that your Iron Maiden records should never have never sat still long enough to have gathered dust.

I would be fine if they didn't do shows and did hour and a half movies here and there...

I can hear them now: "Now that man, he was so articulate!".

Got to go with this one again.

I don't know any prominent white allies right now that I can recommend to you. I mean there's Tim Wise but he's got his issues too with dismissing POC voices. Like I said, if you want to be a good ally, it's best that you listen to what POC have to say and not be dismissive. Don't brag about being not racist because

We also need green allies named Benjamin.

"Nice diction"?

Didn't someone once say that he who is wisest is him who admits he knows nothing? I've found, equally paradoxically, that, as a white person, I may contribute less to the system of racism the more I recognize just how racist I truly am.

I would be happy with a throw away line from John C Riley telling Quill they have an earther recruit and end it with Quill laughing that the hired a guy named Dick Rider

C'mon satanists. You're better than this. Never play second banana to those spaghetti monster idiots.

I'm a psychopath. Or maybe a sociopath; I've never understood the differences all that well, and it's not like I've had an actual diagnosis apart from that one mention in my FBI file. Maybe I'm just dissociative with comorbid schizophrenia and paraphilias. Whatever. I'm damaged.