The fact that this is an outrage and also covered by the media is already 100X better than Stalin.
The fact that this is an outrage and also covered by the media is already 100X better than Stalin.
It is the fettering that creates the problem, not the unfettering. You are arguing for more intervention in a situation where the problem is government intervention. If the government wasn’t giving tax incentives or buying stadiums, no issue would exist.
Comparing gulags, where people were sent without trial and were tortured into admissions of guilt to prison where you are tried by a jury of your peers makes you an apologist for the for one of the most deadly regimes in the world’s history. You should be embarrassed.
Cleats would have been even more slippery on a wet home plate, no?
While you may need cleats for flag football, you don’t need them for kickball. It isn’t like you are juking out the first baseman.
My rule is that if you bring soccer cleats to kickball, I won’t let you play. If you wear cleats, you care too much.
Co-ed leagues are for finding a weekday reason to get shitfaced, not sports.
When’s the next Redsox v Yankees game?
They are dead because circulation numbers are down and real journalism isn’t particularly cheap. They made cuts because going from a circulation of 2 million to a circulation of 200K is a 10 times reduction in people willing to pay for the product.
There is a substantial gap between killing yourself and Utopia that you can try.
Anyone who seriously has a Utopian vision is either a useful idiot or utterly dangerous. Every attempt at Utopia has always ended in Dystopia, so it makes sense.
I’m 30 and I’m the only one of my friends that I know that owns a subscription to a newspaper.
I’d love to know what papers people actually pay for when they are complaining about the death of legacy media.
The New York Daily News wasn’t profitable. How is that not a market correction? It was literally sold to Tronc for $1 because the liabilities were more than the paper’s value.
Oh definitely. You’d have to be older than 70 to check your personals or for sale in the items in your local newspaper.
“I used to goof on are going under, and not because of superior competition, but because they’re all getting eaten alive by a roving band of deathless private equity dipshits.”
I haven’t seen a ripping like this since the last time my dad gave me the “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed” speech.
“You leave out the consequences for his family if he doesn’t...”