Country Mac's Ocular Patdown

One is a country and the other is multiple countries. States haven’t had their own currency since they were colonies. If you think American identities are disparate, multiply that 28 times for Europe. Not only do you have intra-country regional identities, but also inter-country identities. The idea that Brussels

‘all this PR for the purchase of a building that Ford was, as the executive chairman put it, “prepared to walk away if it was the wrong deal.”’

“Why would the Trump administration want to strain these sorts of facilities even more by throwing in a bunch of kids who were forcibly separated from their parents due to the administration’s choice to charge parents with criminal illegal entry, rather than do what previous administrations have done and treat it

Because the Germans are pushing heavily on it they have a lot of power/leverage in the EU.

“I don’t like her as a person”

Someone should probably explain to Lewandowski that vice-signalling only works when you are actually the person in charge of something and can use it as leverage. Otherwise, you still look like an asshole, but have no purpose for being one.

Yep. I am under the impression that Norwegian hunters are recommended to suppress their rifles for the purpose of hearing protection.

Sure or any other trade organization that doesn’t have a court of human rights, doesn’t make non-trade related laws/standards, doesn’t interfere with the internal politics of their members, and doesn’t have military aspirations.

You can’t really pass your own legislation though, or at least it is heavily bounded by EU laws. The whole thing should be scrapped or returned to a trade zone like NAFTA.

Ironically, the Euro inflames more tension than not. Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece are basically being destroyed because the single currency and the inability to leverage the tools of a national bank to rectify their local economic problems. Without 10 year of youth unemployment at around 40% in these countries,

“Who are you going to believe?”

Assuming the stats are accurate in that almost nobody shows up to their asylum hearings when they are released into the US and you aren’t allowed to detain parents with children because children can’t be detained for their parent’s crime, what steps would you invoke to allow them to remain together, but also ensure

“You’re goddamn right that’s what I want. The amount of effort it takes to come here, especially from places much more far-flung across oceans, at the very least makes them worth considering. If they are good people, and they’re willing to work hard, then I don’t see the problem.”

“Our modest welfare systems are paid for with taxes. Taxes that potential immigrants could be paying (and already do, in many cases). If you think the system doesn’t work, then that’s another discussion.”

That would be in contradiction to the 9th circuit court ruling.

So just release them out on the street? Or how do you envision this working? There is obviously going to be a short period of time in which they are held before release to, 1 confirm these are their parents and not human traffickers, and 2 find a relative or a foster home.

“Every major wave of immigration in American history has been ‘unskilled labor’. The value of a person to a country should not be measured by their economic value. People are valuable, period. People who are decent are valuable. People who have a capacity for compassion, who love democracy, and who want to live

No. Given that my general thread has been about if you are detaining the parents, then you have to separate them from the kids per the 9th circuit ruling. I just explaining why detaining the parents if the appropriate move for managing immigration.

“Because the ruling doesn’t force the detention of the parents. That is Trump policy. Illegal entry into the US is a misdemeanor, they can be released for a future court date.”

“because you don’t actually know these peoples circumstances”