
Lots of pro-choice people wouldn't choose to have an abortion themselves. Lots of anti-choice people, oddly, do.

Christ, what an asshole.

Bride met Groom when she was fucking his Shitty Ex Roommate. The first time Groom laid eyes on Bride, Bride and SER weren't expecting him home from his business trip for another 3 days. Groom was wearing business attire. Bride was wearing her birthday suit. They actually got married years before the wedding for

I've posted a shorter version of this story before as a reply to a different story, but it's relevant, so here goes:

I hate getting oral, so yes, there truly is.

All my actions in the pursuit of the sexxins' have been disappointingly normal- put on a movie, rub their feet, bang like a screen door in a hurricane. No long-distance bike rides, no international flights, no embarrassingly bad CD collections, nothing. A youth wasted.

Those people deserve one another. And I know people like that. They're married to each other. Good riddance.

Later? Later? I have to hear this story NOW. Omg.

Really doubt Aniston still gives a flying fuck.

Vegan tacos can be pretty awesome, actually. The vegetarian drive-in down the street from me makes goooood vegan tacos.

"...and they look at you expectantly as if they're waiting for you to join in."

In my late teens I had a series of jobs, all in the same shopping center (it was the only one walking distance from home), all completely fucked up. I assume this was because the hiring pool was pretty limited, so it was just the same fairly small group of fuckups moving jobs around the shopping center. Only Job #1

I'm violently allergic to cinnamon. So ditto. I'll be your friend.

I'd pay $200/e for high-quality pants or blouses that I could return. Alas, what I can ACTUALLY get is cheap garbage that costs $20 MAX in straight sizes up to 12-14, but mysteriously costs $70 one or two whole sizes later. It's made of absolute junk, so cheaply you can't even have it altered. Great. At 5'11, a size

Yeaaaaah. This is why we did a small family event and then had an informal reception- rented a place on the beach somewhere pretty for the weekend, open bar, hired his sister's regular nanny and her friends for kid-care. He wanted a formal family ceremony, I didn't care (my family is mostly gone), I wanted it to be

Yeah, because these two clearly have a super healthy relationship that was in no way going to end with mutual loathing and bad Christmases anyway.

The kid's 18. If she's being a pain in the ass don't sell her concert tickets (too damn late for that to work, she's not 11), ask her to MOVE OUT.

That's exactly the reaction my best friend had, because even after the revelation that Matt was a lying cheater, I still didn't think of him as abusive until she pointed out how INSANE that was. But thanks! I'm fine now, it's been years, I've had therapy, and as far as I know Matt has forgotten all about me, thank

A much funnier, kind of related story-