
Homemade garlic oil can grow botulism! I’m glad I’m not alone in my paranoia about food safety.

I was about to say- my cats have a large fully enclosed patio and are immunized against everything the vet recommends for “outdoor” cats. They could still get fleas despite monthly flea goop, of course, but it’s not super likely.

I have that problem, but only under high stress. I’m having a lot of trouble sleeping at night (obviously...) but I’m exhausted all afternoon. You’d think that refusing to nap would help, but it doesn’t help me. I’ve almost entirely quit drinking caffeine, so I actually don’t think that’s the problem.

I am so glad you said “in the fridge”- I can be a gigantic chicken about leaving things outside the fridge if I don’t know it’s safe. Fresh laid eggs? Sure. My beloved kombucha culture, Fred- yep, still going strong after 3 years. Salted butter? For a couple days. But everyone said cold-brew had to be done on the

To be fair, I can tolerate very small amounts of it okay- like I can drink a Coke once in awhile with no throat hives. Fake cinnamon scent is actually the WORST as far as allergic reactions go. Or any cinnamon-flavored alcohol. I have no idea why!

I go through a metric shit ton of Costco-brand lactase pills. They work- I still can’t really drink milk, but I can eat soft cheeses again. The problem I run into is that people think I’m lying and give me “surprise dairy”- as in, I ask if there’s dairy in this, they say no, and 15 minutes later I’m digging through my

What? No love for Vetinari?

I love her interview: Loneliness, death, and spiders.

Photographing doll stories has been a thing for quite some time with Japanese and Korean ball-jointed dolls. I found a former roommate photographing her dolls in my garden once to make a creepy elf-doll romance series. She was in her late 20s at the time.

This is why _pragmatic_ rich assholes use the comparatively cheapo Waterman Expert- it just straight takes Pilot G2 refills. No fuss at all. And say what you like... the G2 is inexpensive, writes well, is widely available, and comes in any color you could possibly desire. Actually, I think the G2 refills write better

“But mostly, it was about making Jewish babies.”

I don’t know if it’s universally true, but I know a lot of allergy-peeps and we usually started avoiding foods we’re allergic to even before the diagnosis. Even with a mild allergy, if you break out into hives every time you eat something, or your stomach hurts for days... you’ll probably quit eating it. I found out

“What some see: Little Maxwell in a swimsuit striking a sassy little pose with her hand on her hip.

Hotel waffles are often made from cake mix.

Hotel waffles are often made from cake mix.

Counterpoint- I'm 29, my husband is turning 44 this week, and he's the one still dragging his feet. We've been together for seven years next month (our first date was on my 23rd birthday) and married for six this summer. I was in undergrad with a half-dozen ladies who met and married their spouses after my marriage

I have never been fortunate enough to live alone, a state I imagine as a blissful wonderland of cake breakfasts and glitter projects and unashamed bed-farts. However. Prior to our marriage, my ex-husband had been living alone for many years, and he didn't have enough self-awareness to understand that some

I was a super fucking weird kid just in general, but the best story-

That is bullshit (I believe you! It's just super awful).

Exactly. I'm biologically female, genderqueer/asexual. I like math a lot more than makeup. That doesn't mean makeup is bad, it means I don't care about it. I sort of like scarves, but so do cis-men in my experience. Actually, I know many bi-to-het cis-men who enjoy some or all of: elaborate jewelry, skirts (not kilts,