Countess von Fingerbang still sometimes lurks in here

She said no repeatedly. She never consented, she never assented (as someone points out in another comment). Lying there and not participating in the sexual encounter is a clear sign of discomfort and not consenting. Rape looks like this too. If she was “being coy” she would have participated or responded to the

I can’t even say how many times I’ve frozen up and have been unable to speak in confrontational situations. Later of course, I chide myself for not saying something and feel guilty that I somehow am responsible for not doing so. The author though told him “no” many times before the situation happened though and he


She gave him clear signs. What an assface. As a favor. Wish I could give him a favor with my hand across his face.

This is why people (rightly) promote the “enthusiastic consent” standard!

I remember teaching this during training at work, and so many of the men just got looks on their faces like "I've done that before."

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.”…

The author said no many times and never gave consent. This is rape.

Seems like a pretty good example of why consent needs to also be assent.

goddammit im not woke at all

Good lord this is headache-inducing. The original portraits are so gorgeous too...

I’m not sure she realizes the irreparable harm of her actions.

It’s entirely possible he cannot see his actions constitute rape. Or abuse.

Yeah but would you want to eat that dirty Mexican food? It's hard to pronounce and has exotic things like proper seasoning and spices.

Darren Criss is beautiful and wonderful and I will hear nothing to the contrary.

Dianna is doing a lot of indie movies and seems to be fine! And I will sacrifice a cheerleader’s ponytail every month to keep it so.

I always find it entertaining how these people always characterize feminists as simultaneously being unfuckable monsters and dick-hungry sluts.

And her chocolate store is called CACAO??

Thanks for this. As I mentioned earlier in a Deen article, we need a “Fair Trade” certification process where workers arent harassed, trafficked, and subject to humiliation (unless it’s that kind of porn).

This is perfect for me because I can only get off on my own smug sense of superiority.